[Powderworks] Oils lyrics and the list
Wed, 06 Mar 2002 12:07:10 -0800 (PST)
On Wed, 06 March 2002, "Matthew Marzullo" wrote
> The way I see it, Oil's lyrics generally deal with
>the following themes (not limited to these, of course):
> 1. the environment
> 2. plight of the oppressed / social injustice
> 3. Australia (often in the context of the above 2)
> 4. spirtuality
Okay. And IMO that's why Powderworks is an important
spot in cyber space. Because like all rock and roll,
Oils' music appeals directly to the body - the head is
generally engaged much later via reflection and
discussion, (ie if there's anything left to discuss
beyond the physical.) And where else can you find
people willing and able to take up the issues raised by
Oils lyrics in a philosophical free for all? It's a
necessary forum IMO.
> Now, if I told you I listen to the Oils primarily
>for their songs about surfing, or the instrumentals,
>you'd think I'm a nut
I don't know about that. Sometimes it's nice to relax
and just do what comes naturally. On the other hand, I
might think you were a nut whether you listened with
your head or not ;)
Keep on,
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