[Powderworks] the irrepressible intuition of a child
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 21:12:45 -0600
I believe she has something there!
thank you for sharing that robert
----- Original Message -----
From: <robert.w.matthews@power.alstom.com>
To: <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Powderworks] introduce yourself / car salesman?
> I don't want to make any political statement here, but this discussion
> reminded of something I thought I'd share on the light-hearted side of
> things. Shortly after 9/11 when Bush was making a speech on TV, my three
> year old daughter, who was not three yet at the time, said, "Look Mommy,
> there's a van man on TV." My wife had recently been test driving
> mini-vans, and my daughter made a connection. From the mouth of babes...
> Rob
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