[Powderworks] Re: [Powderworks]NMOC introduce yourself-educate yourself
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 20:56:37 -0600
sorry my wife doesn't give it in italian.....;)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Collins" <patandmichelle@hotmail.com>
To: <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 2:44 AM
Subject: [Powderworks] Re: [Powderworks]NMOC introduce yourself-educate
> Fantastic!
> But Todd, come on get it right will you? It's "fellatio", not "fallacio".
> tsk tsk. ;)
> Cheers,
> P.
> >From: "fluw" <fluwdot@earthlink.net>
> >To: "Matthew Marzullo" <mmarzullo@usa.com>, <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
> >Subject: Re: [Powderworks] introduce yourself-educate yourself
> >Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 21:22:16 -0600
> >
> >Aw, come on. The products from drilling in Alaska wouldn't be ready for
> >by Americans until 2010 and the most that American oil interests could
> >out of the refuge is equal to two months worth of oil for the whole
> >country.
> >Most everybody knows this basic information. Stop with this crap, will
> >I
> >don't mean to be inhospitable to the "new guy," but most everything you
> >pointed out is either completely untenable or absurd to say the least.
> >bit about cocaine and DUI's is a relevant character issue in light of the
> >extreme hypocrisy in American politics in the past few years. Bush
> >these issues following five wasted years by Congress, over 55 million
> >dollars in taxpayer money spent, and a national/constitutional crisis
> >fallacio between consenting adults. If the current White House squatter
> >required to live up to the standards and responsibilities needed for
> >presidential office, he would be back to begging for loans from his
> >friends for another corporate scam like the one he pulled on the citizens
> >of
> >Arlington, Texas, in 1991. There, Bush used a citizen tax scam and the
> >Texas
> >Ranger Baseball team as his gravy train.
> >
> >O.K. now dogging - dodging, it is merely a fucking typo. Might I point
> >that your calling this mailing list a "site" is an error much more
> >significant than the former? But are these less than interesting trivial
> >quips more relevant than the facts? How very republican of you focusing
> >the trivial in order to obfuscate the issues. Given this tactic I guess a
> >blow job is worse than the toxic air in Houston due to laws passed by "W"
> >relaxing corporate polluter penalties, regulations and clean air
> >for the profit of campaign funding buddies like and including Kenneth
> >
> >But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that your ignorance is
> >for you and not patriotism manipulated and manufactured by elite dynastic
> >CIA/oil barons. Read with an open mind everything on the link pages for
> >least the next 6 months along with whatever you're reading now. Then try
> >and
> >put together a balanced opinion worthy of being heard. While you're at it
> >do
> >as those who fancy living in a true democracy do (not just a network
> >consumer capitalist society) and order/watch Free Speech TV.
> >
> >http://www.buzzflash.com/
> >http://www.fstv.org
> >http://www.corpwatch.org/
> >http://www.corpwatch.org/research/PRLH.jsp
> >http://www.thenation.com
> >
> >
> >Those should get you started and if you follow some links and do your own
> >research you may very well find the truth much different and things in
> >general much more complex than you were previously allowed to believe.
> >To say it is not popular to like W around these parts might be true, but
> >is not about popularity or dogma that this becomes a reality. Supporting
> >such a fundamentally corrupt man from a historically mendacious and
> >family is merely unfathomable to most people possessing an ounce of
> >compassion and conscience.
> >
> >About your love of Midnight Oil...Bravo and yes they do write some catchy
> >little ditties.have you listened to the lyrics.ever?
> >
> >And finally, (I bet you all were happy to hear that one) I am a Texan and
> >have personally witnessed what this man "W" is capable of. And let me
> >you in a style true to the White House imposters own, "It ain't pretty."
> >Enron is only the tip of the oil field y'all.
> >
> >BTW I work in a library and consume massive amounts of highly credible
> >information daily. So my opinion as compared to those used to watching
> >local and network news may seem a bit swayed to the left, but I assure
> >I
> >couldn't care less for political leanings, parties etc. I am merely
> >opinions based upon a passion for details that contain quality and
> >diversity
> >of information that I, under my own volition, seek out. If the news finds
> >you, it is more than likely not even near the truth.
> >
> >nothing ever happens - nothing really matters - no one ever tells me so
> >what
> >am i to know............READ ABOUT IT!!!!!
> >
> >todd
> >
> >
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Matthew Marzullo" <mmarzullo@usa.com>
> >To: <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
> >Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 4:07 PM
> >Subject: [Powderworks] introduce yourself / car salesman?
> >
> >
> > > Hi everyone:
> > >
> > > This is my first post...been a huge Oils fan for about 10 years now.
> >I've
> >lurked on this list for a while but have never posted. I've noticed the
> >anti-Bush sentiment on this site, and while I appreciate everyone's right
> >to
> >his or her opinion, I feel compelled to defend my President (yes, the one
> >proudy voted for), unpopular as that might be.
> > >
> > > Todd wrote: "gosh please except my sympathy bruce..... being a car
> >salesman is one thing
> > > but a coke snorting, fund siphoning, draft dogging, dui driving,
> > > polluting, big business bribe taking, weasel faced car salesman should
> >never
> > > be a president!!!! "
> > >
> > > Let's see...
> > > - I don't see how 'Coke snorting' and 'DUI driving' are even relevant,
> >especially regarding the last President we have. Last I heard, these
> >problems Bush dealt with over 20 years ago. Todd, I suppose all mistakes
> >you've made in your life have rendered you incompetent to perfrom your
> >whatever that may be.
> > >
> > > - 'Draft dogging' - I believe the word is 'dodging.' In any case, Bush
> >volunteered his services to the Texas Air Guard during Vietnam war, but
> >never called overseas. I think you have Bush and the former President
> >confused on this one.
> > >
> > > - 'Fund siphoning' and 'big business bribe taking.' Maybe I'm not
> >watching or reading the same news sources as you, but as of today, I've
> >heard that proof has been found of either.
> > >
> > > - 'Planet polluting' - I hope you're not referring to drilling in
> >Alaska.
> >I suppose we should save the caribou and depend on foreign sources of
> >Or maybe you're referring to that Kyoto treaty business again. Sorry if
> >just isn't what's best for America.
> > >
> > > And lastly, 'weasel faced car salesman'? Please....
> > >
> > > You know, I almost can't believe that this is my first post to this
> >list,
> >because really, Todd's remarks do not deserve a response. However, in
> >s
> >pirit of debate and freedom of expression, I suppose such sentiments are
> >legitimate, but is mere name calling (some of which if flat-out
> >the best way for us to submit our opinions? I hope not.
> > >
> > > This is getting long, so I'll stop. Hopefully, when and if I post
> >again,
> >it will be on the topic of the Oils and their musics.
> > >
> > > Matt
> > > --
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > mmarzullo@usa.com
> > > Home: 779-1493
> > > Work: 631-5501
> > > Cell: 713-0700
> > >
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