[Powderworks] introduce yourself-educate yourself - yabbo?
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 20:37:48 -0600
LOL ...vitriol??!!!!!
I guess what comes around goes around, huh Matthew? Your first message to
this list could be interpreted as a flame -- not good manners. And you
claim that I flamed you! You weren't "flamed" anymore, I hope, than your
pointing out my typo means I was being flamed by you. Did you intend for
that to be a flame Matthew? I hope not; I certainly didn't take it as a
Again, my comments were no more caustic than yours were. My "rebuttal" was
full of important and useful information for democracy-loving people.
Belittling my sincere efforts to possibly help you learn something new about
the subject shows how partial you are on this topic. You seem to have taken
an originally light-hearted political statement and personalized it. And in
return you made personal comments about me. Now you are claiming that I
flamed you. My comments were and are well-researched opinions based on the
facts discussed in the media (like the links I provided for your
edification). Might I remind you that in a democracy one who chooses to not
hear someone else's opinion cannot justifiably have their own considered.
This is a basic tenet of the Democratic/American ideal. One person's valid,
thoroughly researched stance is not another person's warning sign to bury
their head in the sand.
And if you think I'm over-the-top, what do you think about Peter Garrett? He
is much more outspoken about his beliefs than I am. What do you do when the
lyrics are sung or he speaks? Cry "vitriol" and put your hands over your
ears? I'm not accusing, but I am wondering if you pay attention to the
lyrics and the issues the band supports. What is your opinion about their
lyrics? What do you like about the Oils? I really do want to know.
Look back at what I said; I didn't type that "you aren't a real fan"! We are
all fans regardless of what in particular we like about the band. Although
they are undeniably one of the most political bands ever, so any discussion
about the music of Midnight Oil logically would include discussions of
Your making this erroneously quoted comment only highlights your rather
transparent attempt to drum up sympathy. Now let's be accurate here before
we start pointing fingers and playing the "you said I'm not a real fan"
scapegoat game. It was not a statement; it was a question: "do you listen to
the lyrics," which is a question that would not typecast you as not being a
real fan, just a less lyrically conscious one.
I just hope your lighting of fires doesn't unnecessarily hit any of the
other reasonable & peaceful powderworkers.
Anyway, if you review and consider information on the links I provided and
would like to have a mature, rational political discussion, I would be happy
to continue on with you. Until then, I wish you peace -
----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthew Marzullo" <mmarzullo@usa.com>
To: <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 8:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Powderworks] introduce yourself-educate yourself
> Todd, et al....
> OK, fine, I can accept the fact that the majority of the people on this
list differ in their political leanings. And you know what? I don't care.
Maybe I should never have written that email. I'll tell you, though, I'm
just as ardent a fan of MO as anybody. Which is why I'm glad Todd in his
vitriolic rebuttal to my comment brought the dialogue around to the Oils
(even if was to rip me for supposedly not listening to the lyrics).
> Like I said at the end of my previous email, I hope that next time I
contribute to this 'list' (in my haste I wrote 'site' last time and got
flamed for it), I hope to stick to comments on the music. Well, I've
written a review on Amazon.com if anyone cares to check it out. You'll have
to scroll all the way to the very first review since I wrote it the day
after Capricornia was released in the US. Maybe I should write a review for
every other Oils album I own (which is all of them). Maybe then Todd will
accept that I'm a 'real' fan...
> Matt
> --
> mmarzullo@usa.com
> Home: 779-1493
> Work: 631-5501
> Cell: 713-0700
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