[Powderworks] Capricornia
Paul Woodward
Paul Woodward" <woody@hairydonut.plus.com
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 21:49:49 -0000
Yes Capricornia has made it to England from Whammo too!
It arrived this morning, I've just had a chance to sit down and start
listening. Halfway through Luritja Way at the moment. Things are sounding
quite mellow so far. I think it will take some getting used to, but it
sounds promising!
.....On to Tone Poem now and I quite like it on the first listen. I'd say
this is definitely the Oils most unusual CD for quite some time.
Anyway, time to get in some serious listening..............
PS. Never mind all those whinging about Bush, at least you're not stuck
with Slimy Tony Blair!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Silva, LB (Leandro)" <Leandro.Silva@utc.rabobank.com>
To: <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 4:17 PM
Subject: [Powderworks] Capricornia
> Hello workers,
> I've been away for 4months (holidays, work, work, and more work)
> ....anyways....nice to be back.
> I've just got my "copy" of Capricornia (thanks to quick service from
> and I was wondering what has been the general opinion on it....
> I've played it quickly and it sounded....mmmmmm.....normal. This was more
> less the feeling I had when Earth&Sun&Moon was realeased anyway....which
> an album I like nowadays....
> Cheers and peace,
> Leandro
> ps. I've also bought the Oils Tribute....well, what can I say....nice that
> something like that was done, but hummmm have my doubts if it was worth
> it....One of the reasons for me to buy it was that $1 goes to ACF, but I
> guess I would prefer to donate all of it to ACF instead....
> ps2. Have you guys checked the number of MO songs available on audiogalaxy
> ???? no I'm not inciting piracy, just curious if we had workers there...
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