[Powderworks] Lyric trivia: Oils in space
Tue, 05 Mar 2002 13:40:20 -0800 (PST)
bev-a-roo@juno.com wrote
> Earth and Sun and Moon.
Close Bev. Got the right Cd, but the tune I was
thinking of was Drums of Heaven.
There's a PG rant near the end about '...a man out
there...coming down...I don't know." and a reference to
'Ground control.' The song seems to borrow from Bowie's
'Space Oddity' and 'Ashes to Ashes', the latter which
lays bare the cruel love/hate thing between a man and
his horse, so to speak.
And speaking of horses, I noticed on the E+S+M liner
notes that there is an image of a white horse against
the night sky, over which the lyrics to Drums of Heaven
are set. Hmmm... I guess you find what it is you're
sniffing for, eh? (remember, I'm the guy who asked the
list about "Quinella Holiday" also being some kind of
metaphor for heroin addiction - DOH!) But what about
Drums of Heaven? Anybody else out there see a
connection to addiction? OR anything else? And what
exactly is that rant about?
Just Curious,
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