[Powderworks] I yam an anarchist
Eel Bonjack
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 05:49:25 -0800 (PST)
> ATTACHMENT part 3.5 message/rfc822
> From: "Patrick Collins" <patandmichelle@hotmail.com>
> To: powderworks@cs.colorado.edu
> Subject: Re: [Powderworks] introduce yourself (right
> on)
> Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2002 08:30:49 +0000
> Hello,
> I just hate to be picky, but how can you be an
> anarchist AND campaign for a
> political party?
The Green Party platform is mainly environmental, and
through the means of decentralization. Somebody else
asked me the same question off the list. This brand of
anarchism isn't necessarily a complete abolition of
any kind of government, but a decentralized form of
democracy-one where we all have enough control over
the issues in our vicinity, but, put simply, there is
no central figure or or scary organization like the
CIA in power. I know its a pipe dream to think its
that easy, and to think it could happen in our
lifetimes, but it is at least possible to start a
foundation for it.
I'm sure somebody's going to disagree with me, but go
n-e ways, I've heard that "Breathe" is not very
popular with some folks, but for me it just leaves an
emotional impact that I don't get from the others,
although they never fail to make me want to hear and
play their songs again and again. that's as analytical
as I wanna get.
the screens are filled with heroes and losers,
but the skies are still filled with stars.
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