[Powderworks] Capricornia arrived!
James A. Smith
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 08:21:51 -0500 (EST)
Got it in the mail yesterday, along with Neil Murray's "the Wondering
Kind". I'm a lurker on the Dust list, so I've been itching for an excuse
to purchase that CD for a while. Slowly, but surely, I'll probably get
Neil's other CDs via Whammo.
Michelle, my fiancee, decided to get me back after two listens to
Capricornia by popping in a Faith Hill disc. :-)
I love how Capriconia sounds. Mosquito March, Been Away too Long, Tone
Poem and Lurijita Way are really standing out.
---- [warning, tangential thoughts] -----
As for the latest debate on Bush and company, I thought that the I'd wade
in with a couple of tangential thoughts. Having heard Ralph Nader on CBC
radio a few weeks back, during a good 15-20 minute interview, I can
DEFINITELY see why so many people like him. The guy has more karisma and
smarts in his pinky than "W" has in his whole body. It's really a shame
that someone like Nader isn't in office right now... every time I hear a
sound bite from Bush I cringe. Other than that, as a Canadian, I have no
love for Bush. He's made it clear what he thinks of his biggest trading
partner via the tariffs imposed on softwood lumber.
As for the jab at Clinton... Pierre Elliott Trudeau, one of Canada's
greatest leaders once said "The state has no business in the bedrooms of
the nation." Enough said.