[Powderworks] introduce yourself (right on)
Mon, 04 Mar 2002 12:27:27 -0800 (PST)
Eel Bonjack wrote
> I'm from the states, I am starting
> to campaign for the Green Party, I draw
>cartoons,sing,do yoga, and I'm an anarchist
!!! With credentials like that, you should be able to
offend just about anybody on the planet ;)
> the weasel faced car
> salesman in the white house,
"Not that there's anything wrong with that...my father
was a weasel-faced car salesman."
> my actual name is stefan, look
> forward to hearing from you all.
Welcome, Stefan! You're one of the few people I've
heard list Breathe as THE favourite Oils record.
Cheers, eh
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