[Powderworks] Re: Re: San Fran 2001 and Chicago query
Fri, 01 Mar 2002 09:42:36 EST
<<Also does anyone have any details about the 4th of July chicago show - is this an open stage or ticketed or whatever? >>
I'm on digest, so apologies if this has been answered already. The 4th of July show in Chicago is one of the Centerpieces of the city's annual "Taste of Chicago" street festival. You can link to last year's Taste at http://www.ci.chi.il.us/SpecialEvents/Festivals/Taste2001/ . In the past, the 4th show has been a ticketless, first-come, first-serve show.
WXRT sponsors and broadcasts the show each year. Usually there are about three acts on the bill -- last year Wilco was the headliner. In past years, the bill has been They Might Be Giants/Squeeze/Robert Cray; another year it was Liquid Soul/Collective Soul/Big Head Todd. It is not the best forum in which to see the Oils, but you can't beat the price, and it will be great exposure for the band.
On another topic, does anyone else hear the ghosts of Oils songs past in a lot of Capricornia? I hear a bunch:
Luritja Way ===> reminds me of Sell My Soul, with the jangly guitars and non-traditional break after the second verse.
Tone Poem ===> I hear Put Down That Weapon, especially when Peter growls "A willing victim, I don't think so".
Capricornia ===> E&S&M, primarily because of the rhythm.
Been Away Too Long ===> Tell Me The Truth, especially in Rob's drumming during the chorus.
Too Much Sunshine ===> Not sure which song, but definitely the grandchild of something on HI or PWAP.
This is not a bad thing, IMO . . . it is certainly a very Oily Oils album. Hasn't left the car in two weeks.