Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Re: Interesting Observations from Paris

LLOYD_Ian@canon.com.au LLOYD_Ian@canon.com.au
Tue, 4 Jun 2002 09:05:55 +1000

Sorry, have to disagree on the Giffo part, Giffo brought a lot to the Oils in the late 70's/80's and
gave a lot of those older songs the drive that was required that we now all want them to play when
we see them live.
Take for example the bass-line to Stand-in-line, i'm always amazed when i watch Giffo play that on
the Oils on the Water concert. I'm not knocking Bones he does add a lot to the band and he does have
great vocals and a different playing style but if Giffo was never there we would never have got the
same feel with those 'Golden Oldies' as we did.
For those who know 'Spy V Spy' (an aussie band with close personal ties to the Oils) their lead
singer and bass player 'Craig Bloxom' actually described Giffo as one of the best pick bass players
he has seen!
Try to imagine 'Borderline,Short Memory,Stand in Line,Sleep (played on the stick),Basement
Flat,Don't Wanna be the one etc etc without that driving Giffo style, i really wouldn't want to!


IAN LLOYD - National Sales Admin. Team Leader
CANON - Business Imaging Solutions Group
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E-MAIL: lloyd_ian@canon.com.au

                    Sent by:                       To:     powderworks@cs.colorado.edu               
                    powderworks-admin@cs.co        cc:                                               
                    lorado.edu                     Subject:     [Powderworks] Re: Interesting        
                                                   Observations from Paris                           
                    04/06/2002 02:18 AM                                                              

Dear Alexei,
Your observations were indeed interesting, and I thank you for posting them.
1) I agree that there are some songs that really do seem to energize the band every time they play
them, as opposed to "Oh God, here we go again!" These may change from night to night, but frankly,
I've never seen them play anything as if they dreaded having to do it.
2) Yes, it has always been thus...Martin and Jim flanking the other three, knocking out the power
chords...although when Giffo was in the band, he hadn't Bones' outgoing personality, so sort of hung
back both physically and emotionally. It feels to me as if Bones is the bassist they should've had
all along; he adds so much to the group, esp. when he sings.
4 & 6) Speaking of outgoing...Bones has really been, um, enjoying himself on this tour. Now that
he's single again, he's sampling a bit of the rock-star thing. I'm thinking that maybe there should
be 'lock-up-your-daughters' alerts on the radio when he comes into town.
Re: your PS: you nailed it right on the head here, Alexei. I don't know if English is your first or
second language, but I salute your precision of phrase.
All I would add is "intelligence" and "soul."