[Powderworks] Oils and SO's
Thu, 31 Jan 2002 14:10:06 -0500
well, peter is married with 2 daughters right? and the rest are married
except for bones i think. do the others have kinds?
on 1/31/02 1:43 PM, Andy Gillcrist at andrewg@nwlink.com wrote:
> With all this talk about how hot PG is or isn't, it occurred to me that in
> everything I've ever read, seen, or heard about the Oils, not once have
> I ever noticed any mention at all about whether any of the guys are
> married or have significant others. I'm sure none of them are married,
> but what about girlfriends back home? In every port? Coming along
> with the tour? Who knows?
> Just thought the lack of information is a bit odd, since with celebs, folks
> are usually all over the relationship angle. Which begs the question of
> whether the Oils are celebs... to us they are, of course...
> Andy
> I'm lying back in a row of timber
> Cases placed out on the dock with
> Nightmare faces looking at me
> And I can see now
> And I wanna be free now...
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