FW: SV: [Powderworks] Capricornia Cower Art
Trevor Arndt
Wed, 09 Jan 2002 22:33:51 -0600
Hey folks -- just a thought here on the concept of the new CD. This is just a
guess, but "Capricornia" might also be a reference to the Tropic of Capricorn
"region" of the Northern Territory -- as Aussies may know, there is a monument
for tourists to see right out on the Stuart Highway that marks where the Tropic
passes through -- was there a couple weeks ago. The line runs (coincidentally?)
very close to the places the Oils have visited again recently and sing about
on the new CD (e.g., Papunya and Luritja). Also, the only thing one really sees
out there is... CATTLE stations, basically the only industry out there! Some
of the world’s largest, and really the only reason for the initial European
exploration of the interior -- they wanted good, pastoral land (mining and tourism
followed). I also like the idea of the golden calf, though, representing idolatry,
materialism, sacrilege, and all that...
Anyway, just a thought. Trevor.