Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Hiroshima/Dubya's "war on terra"

Geordie McMillan geordie_mcmillan@hotmail.com
Fri, 09 Aug 2002 13:06:21 +1000

I reckon that it's always good to have these sort of debates/discussions as 
part of the forum. However, I believe that George "Dubya" Bush's current 
"war on terra" has got sweet f-a in common with any conflict up to and 
including World War II.

I realise that this is an often recurring theme on this mailing list, 
however, I believe that the US of A has got a lot to answer for when it 
comes to this current round of the US military using up its excess arsenal 
on whatever bogeyman's turn it is, i.e. Bin Laden, Iraq, Phillipines, etc.

For a group such as Al Qaeda, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, or any other 
militant organisation for that matter, to form, they are more often than not 
provoked into being. Since 1949, the United States has been involved in 
nearly every conflict involving both government sanctioned and boycotted 
militant activities in the 'Second' and 'Third' World.

>From the Congo, Vietnam, Columbia, Chile, Nicaragua, Panama, Haiti, Cuba, 
South Africa, Uganda, Burma, Afghanistan, Iran, Somalia, etc., the might of 
the US military-industrial complex has found a reason to sustain its profits 
at the expense of millions of innocent civilians and unwilling soldiers.

The current haphazard looting of Afghanistan by British, American and other 
'Allied' forces is just another example of western 'democracies' failing to 
understand and recognise the reactions that their self-imposed 'freedoms' 
produce in the inhabitants of many of these countries. For groups such as Al 
Qaeda to prosper and seemingly succeed against the might of the US military 
should not surprise anyone who has bothered to read a history book.

Also, the United States should realise that both on the domestic and 
international fronts, they are waging an illegal war. For a war to occur, it 
strictly must be between two nations. What the US is currently pervading is 
a Gestapo style global police force that no-one in the western hemisphere 
has the guts to stand up to.

Domestically, many of the laws on 'homeland security' introduced since the 
Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 are actually in contravention of up to 13 
Amendments in the US Bill of Rights. Scary stuff.

Things to think of, I guess, when dramatic anniversaries such as the bombing 
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki occur...

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