Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Re: Seattle show tickets

C-ko Linde spinifex23@yahoo.co.nz
Thu, 13 Sep 2001 09:31:56 -0700 (PDT)

"They go on sale @ fastixx 11 am on the 14th (this
See you there!"

Good! Yay! Thanks! 

This is good, because I've decided not to go to the
Milwaukee show, because that would involve travelling
in airports. Sorry, Milwaukee peeps. I'll meet you
another time. 

I'm not afraid of planes. I'm not afraid of flying. 
I *hate* airports though. This attack will just make
everything worse - tense staff and passengers, harsh
security measures, I just don't want to deal with it
all. I've seen businessmen throw cell phones because
their flights are 4 minutes late - I don't want to
encounter these people now.

Plus, I want to give the airports space to revame
their security policies, and free up my seat for those
who have to travel. I can go back to Wisconsin any

Thus, I have one Milwaukee Midnight Oil ticket for
sale. $30, includes shipping. E-mail me if interested.

I'll be using this vacation time to head to the
Portland and Vancouver shows iinstead.


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