Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] NMOC :Re :Attacks on U.S. - What Kind of Pilot?

Vincent VAGNER Vincent.Vagner@edf.fr
13 Sep 2001 09:44:07 +0200

Alexei, as a private pilot and friend to commercial pilots, i think that it's really easy to fly such a
plane (an airliner) once it's airborne. The most difficult part of this is the landing which requires excellent precision and
a very good knowledge of flight parameters (specific to each plane) and "switchology". "Switchology", knowing what button to push
and when, that's the second most difficult part of flying this kind of aircraft.
But targeting a big building should be quite easy for pilots with limited instruction. They just need to know a bit about the cockpit layout,
at least in order to disconnect the transponder (which relays a code to Air Traffic Control ; there's an emergency code for hijacking that the real
pilot could have set on this equipment).

But enough about flying !
I'm sorry P'workers, but this is really my first passion and then there's Midnight Oil.
