[Powderworks] Very NMOC Virus on the Powderworks list
Adrian Oates
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 08:24:00 -0800 (PST)
>Attention all Powderworkers!
>If anyone receives the e-mail from Marianne Gardner titled re: Holsteins with
>the file attached,
>DO NOT OPEN! It's a virus. I don't know what kind, but DO NOT OPEN!
It's the Bad Trans B virus (
http://www.sophos.co.uk/virusinfo/analyses/w32badtransb.html ) that is doing
the rounds at the moment. My copy of the email had a different subject title
(something like "Re: oils-forever.com correction"), it chooses a random
subject from existing emails, so any email from Marianne with an attachment
should be immediately deleted!