Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Oils article from CNN

LLOYD_Ian@canon.com.au LLOYD_Ian@canon.com.au
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 08:06:13 +1100

Speaking of Canadian bands,
I did'nt mind The Crash Test Dummies 'God Shuffled His Feet'.

IAN LLOYD - National Sales Admin. Team Leader
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                    Sent by:                       To:     powderworks@cs.colorado.edu               
                    powderworks-admin@cs.co        cc:                                               
                    lorado.edu                     Subject:     Re: [Powderworks] Oils article from  
                    16/11/2001 00:29                                                                 

Canadian bands?

Don't forget Moist, Tea Party, Our Lady Peace, Edwin, Loreena McKennitt, Leahy, Great Big Sea, and
the little known sensation The Arrogant Worms.

We rule! :)

(note the absence of Celine Dion in the list; I am personally disowning her.)