Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Late notes on the Philly concert

Heather Myers SydneyGB@fast.net
Wed, 14 Nov 2001 17:43:56 -0500

Post-concert entry I made in my LiveJournal after the Philadelphia concert
that I keep forgetting to post here! Ay!

Wednesday, October 31st, 2001
Subject: I met Rob Hirst!
Time: 2:37 am.
Mood: ecstatic.

As the guys were coming, one at a time and at intervals, out of the theatre,
some dudes stopped Rob in the doorway and chatted with him for a moment.  I
came up as they left.  I said, "Mister Hirst," then felt a bit foolish and
said, "Rob."  I shook his hand.  *aiee!*  "Thank you for a great show," I
said.  I don't remember what he said.  Not at all.  Isn't that odd?
Normally I can't remember what *I* said.  "Could I bother you to sign
this..."  I held out my ticket stub and a pen.  I think he said something
like, "Sure."  And he signed it.  Naturally my pen was crap and the ink
didn't come out real well, but Rob's signature is not really legible anyway.
He also wrote 'OILS' next to his siggy.  I thanked him again and scooted out
of his way so he could get on the bus.
I don't know what Rob did immediately after that because I was too busy
shaking (still) and being ecstatic!  I dashed over to my buddy Dave, who'd
brought me to the concert, and did some kind of happy huggy thing on him,
showing him the stub with Rob's sig on it.
A dream come true.  How the heck about that?  And I got to thank and shake
the hand of my other favorite Oil, Jim Moginie.  I kind of shouted, "Thank
you!" at Bones (who was ushered into the bus, allegedly before he caused a
scene -- he had his characteristic goofy look on and asked a passing girl
who had no freakin' idea who he was to sign his pants (a second pair he was
holding in his hand).  She musta thought he was nuts.  I also said thanks at
Martin, but Peter, who was the first out of the gate, was crowded around by
folks and signed a lot of their stuff before he decided to head for the bus.
I didn't get to talk to him.  I did stand pretty close to him though.
But it's okay, really.  'Cos I met Rob  Hirst!  I'll never wash this (crap)
pen again!  *die*

And this:

Tuesday, November 13th, 2001
Remember the Midnight Oil concert and Bones' "Will you sign my pants?"
thing?  I turned on the TV last night at the end of the Spongebob
Squarepants episode where he tries to be funny by ripping his pants all the
time.  At the end of the episode, Larry the Lobster came up and asked
Spongebob, "Would you ... sign my pants?"

Could it possibly be that Bones, that adorable, crazy Kiwi, has seen
Spongebob Squarepants (I imagine they've gotta watch something while they're
resting in their hotel rooms on tour) and that's where he got the
pants-signing thing?

Hee.  When they come back next year, I'm gonna ask Bones to sign my pants.
:D  I can't wait!

Heather 'Sydney' Myers
URL: surf.to/sydneys
"All my life I've wanted to walk down the street with two million dollars in
a Gucci bag.  Now hand it over!" -- Major Bludd