Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] I can't stand it

CYakaAL@aol.com CYakaAL@aol.com
Mon, 12 Nov 2001 18:00:59 EST

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AL will be on the way Wednesday....Come on Evil Bastard use a credit card an=
meet us in Seattle. =A0I mean if we can thank Ronald Reagan for anything (an=
there isn't much we can thank him for) it's deficit spending. =A0Spend now,=20=
later. =A0Or don't pay at all.


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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><FONT  SIZE=3D2>AL will be on the way Wed=
nesday....Come on Evil Bastard use a credit card and meet us in Seattle.=20=
=A0I mean if we can thank Ronald Reagan for anything (and there isn't much w=
e can thank him for) it's deficit spending. =A0Spend now, pay later. =A0Or d=
on't pay at all.
