Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Boston Set List

Glitch sena.reisenweaver@verizon.net
Tue, 06 Nov 2001 09:41:17 -0500

The scene: a dark street in Boston with tons of people surging around; Peter
comes out of a side door and is instantly spotted and surrounded; as he
strides to the bus this lady pitches into him about the environment and
would he accept some propaganda from her - "I'm on tour," he shouts over his
shoulder above the crowd of followers.  "I won't have time to read it."
"Can I give you my business card?" she asks.  "No," he says, "I'll lose it.
Why don't you e-mail me -" and he proceeds to spell out his e-mail address,
letter by letter, at full volume.  Didn't strike me as a very private thing.
However, if it was and he now gets bombarded by e-mails from indiscrete
powderworkers, I'll feel very bad.
So people, please use your common sense with this info.
Or maybe I heard it wrong and the whole point is moot.
--Glitch Baby

> From: "andrew pye" <apye@austarnet.com.au>
> Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 06:12:28 +1000
> To: "powderworks mail list" <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
> Subject: Fw: [Powderworks] Boston Set List
>> I did overhear Peter give her his e-mail address which may be
>> of interest to some people provided I heard right: oils@ozemail.net.
> Maybe I'm being a bit critical, but is it really appropriate to be spreading
> that around? The guys are pretty private and I'm not sure that wide spread
> advertising of that is something Pete would be too keen on. Of course, I
> could be wrong, I dont pretend to speak for him or know what he thinks about
> it, but IMHO, I would have kept that bit of info to myself.
> ---
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