Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Anyone going to Washington?

Powdworker@aol.com Powdworker@aol.com
Mon, 05 Nov 2001 15:35:43 EST

I tried sending this to the list earlier, but I cc'd too many of you, so the listserve software hasn't sent it yet! So here it goes JUST to the list!! Please read if you're going to the 9:30 Club tonight! Thanks!

In a message dated Mon, 5 Nov 2001  2:13:33 PM Eastern Standard Time, Powdworker writes:

> I will be there tonight! Most definitely! For me it's the first time I'll be seeing the Oils since October 1988! That's 1988, folks, NOT 1998!
> Are there any plans to meet up? If so, where and when? I am going by myself, although one of my co-workers *may* also try to come. But I really would like to meet up with at least a couple of list members -- I've been on this list only since March of '96 or thereabouts, although I've done mostly lurking in the past year or so.
> If anybody wants to look for me, I'm about 5'5" (165 cm) tall, brown hair, full-figured and wearing the black version of the "two sticks in the powderworks, I think it's gonna blow" T-shirt designed by Barbie from Oz. (Sorry, that's the only Oily T-shirt I have. I think I look like a peaceful enough person....)
> Also, I apologize for sending some of you duplicate e-mails. I just want to make sure I get through! If you *really* want to get my attention, you can reply to me at work, pdaukantas@postnewsweektech.com.
> Oily cheers,
> Patty in Maryland
> (P.S. Any prospects for getting to meet the guys afterward? I'm bringing along a couple of CDs from my Oils collection in case I get an autograph opportunity!)
> In a message dated Mon, 5 Nov 2001 12:12:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, CWeeks10@aol.com writes:
> > Yes! I will also be attending the DC show tonight. Hopefully they get a good crowd for the show. I'll be in the front, trying to hold back from jumping on the stage and hugging Pete for making this tour happen (hard as that will be)!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > By the way, does anyone know who the girl is that sings along with Peter in "Home"?? She is very good, and I was rather curious to see who it was since it is not mentioned on the CD or any of the websites.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > See ya all tonight!
> > 
> > Christine