Midnight Oil

Subject: Re: [powderworks] Selina's ballot - correcting impressions
From: RM
Date: 9/04/2017, 10:32 pm
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au, Miron Mizrahi

And jumping in fast, thanks!

But, just a cog in the fabulous machine here.  Lots of leg work for me this time, but it'll be someone else's turn another time, as it was a previous time.

Last time I was, and next time I might be again, a passenger on someone else's hard work.

Good to see the list happy and excited about a tour again!  That's my big reward.

Cheers, see you at the Brisvagas gig?

On 9/04/2017 10:26 pm, Miron Mizrahi mironmizrahi@yahoo.com [powderworks] wrote:
Hi everyone

Now that the dust is settled, I wanted to correct an impression and give recognition where it is due.

While it is always nice to be on the receiving end of gratitude, there have been far too many such emails - about the ballot - that mentioned my name specifically. While I was involved every step of the way, the person to whom we all owe a great debt of gratitude is Rob. He was in contact with the office, he dealt with them about the tickets and he did all the heavy lifting. I was interstate without good access to a PC and it was Rob who spent many hours this weekend communicating with all of you and the office to get this sorted out in the quickest and fairest way possible. So next time you meet Rob, buy him a beer. I know I will.


How could people get so unkind?