Midnight Oil

Subject: Re: [powderworks] Digest Number 2688[1 Attachment]
From: Christopher McKenna
Date: 8/04/2017, 10:40 am
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au

Midnight Oil

I cant go as im having surgery. Grrr.
Good luck to everyone else!

Chris McKenna 

-------- Original message --------
From: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au
Date: 7/04/2017 1:01 PM (GMT+10:00)
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au
Subject: [powderworks] Digest Number 2688[1 Attachment]

There are 10 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1.1. Re: Digest Number 2686   
    From: Powderlurker .
1.2. Re: Digest Number 2686   
    From: Miron Mizrahi
1.3. Re: Digest Number 2686   
    From: jp1975

2.1. : Two Tickets Available for Chicago, Seattle Shows   
    From:  krustyfries

3. A version of now, full album transcribed for guitar   
    From: Joakim Lindblad

4.1. Re: Facebook page   
    From: Beth Curran

5.1. New ballot for Selina's ticket   
    From: Miron Mizrahi
5.2. Re: New ballot for Selina's ticket   
    From: Gary Badger
5.3. Re: New ballot for Selina's ticket   
    From: Stuart Tangye
5.4. Re: New ballot for Selina's ticket   
    From: Jane Remedio

1.1. Re: Digest Number 2686
    Posted by: "Powderlurker ." powderlurker@hotmail.com powderlurker
    Date: Thu Apr 6, 2017 3:42 pm ((EST))

I think the transparency issue is kind of at the crux of the matter. To find out what has happened, after the fact, is always a kick in the shins... especially as some of us luddites would have joined the facebook group, rather than just scanned it (because, let's face((book)) it... there's a lot of 'white noise' on that forum) to improve our chances of getting a ticket.

Bands supporting / assisting their fanbase with tickets isn't an unheard-of thing. It's just that most bands usually do it in more altruistic ways. Even U2, Rolling Stones, etc. (despite their monolithic status) seem to be able to make this happen for their fanclub.

The bands are under no obligation to support the fans... but neither are the fans under any obligation to support the bands for 30+ years... through diesel &/or dust...

Possibly, making the registration offer to all 50,000 - 70,000+ Domain ticket buyers (ie - the Frontier 'list') wasn't the smoothest way of having a fan lottery. As a friend said.... where were all these 'fans' on the last 3 or 4 RSL tours?

So a lot of us are venting because we didn't get tickets because we tried everything we could to get there. That's not really a surprise... especially since only one person I know of, on the list, got a Selinas ticket... and do we know anyone on the facebook page who's getting a guernsey?

(I'm prepared to get shot down, about this...).

It sucks being in a contest when you don't really know the rules.

So, anyway, Jeremy.... did you score a ticket?

Lottery or Facebook?

I know you'd be pretty disappointed if you weren't going.



Re: Facebook page <https://au.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/powderworks/conversations/topics/11082;_ylc=X3oDMTJzdWw3anM5BF9TAzk3NDkwNDMyBGdycElkAzE0NDQzMDM1BGdycHNwSWQDMTc0MDAyNTk1NQRtc2dJZAMxMTA4MgRzZWMDZG1zZwRzbGsDdm1zZwRzdGltZQMxNDkxMzg0ODc4>
Wed Apr 5, 2017 5:20 pm (EST) . Posted by:
"jp1975" oils7802 <mailto:jp1975@optusnet.com.au?subject=Re%3A%20Facebook%20page>
Myself as an admin or whatever you want to call it on the FB page i can tell you 120% chris that the selection process was conducted the office/management as they do watch the FB page and they also have been a longtime member via this forum. Thete are a lot of people carrying because A. Their understandably upset they missed out in the ballot & B. Now there there knowledgable of the extra 50 tickets for workers their even mote pissed because for one reason or another you have a sense of entitlement to a ticket.
I can tell you Brett tried his hardest to get ad many as he could and in the end it was 50 only offered. The band are under no obligation to do that but they did. From there they did the selection process based on the group activity. He was just asked to help possibly establish location.
Time to back off & just be happy that the band is back regardless of whether you see them next week or the end of the year
I am obviously a member of this list, but lets face it social media had taken over so forums like this start to become less important. The band have an active presence via all platforms and also acknowledge the FB group for which again they don'thave to but respect & appreciate who we are.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
-------- Original message --------From: "Chris seeker42@gmail.com [powderworks]" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> Date: 5/4/17 1:56 pm (GMT+10:00) To: Miron Mizrahi <mironmizrahi@yahoo.com>, powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au, Endurance Dancer <quiltybuckle@yahoo.com.au> Subject: Re: [powderworks] Facebook page

Re: Facebook page <https://au.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/powderworks/conversations/topics/11083;_ylc=X3oDMTJzM2dnYm10BF9TAzk3NDkwNDMyBGdycElkAzE0NDQzMDM1BGdycHNwSWQDMTc0MDAyNTk1NQRtc2dJZAMxMTA4MwRzZWMDZG1zZwRzbGsDdm1zZwRzdGltZQMxNDkxMzg0ODc4>
Wed Apr 5, 2017 5:48 pm (EST) . Posted by:
"Miron Mizrahi" mironmizrahi <mailto:mironmizrahi@yahoo.com?subject=Re%3A%20Facebook%20page>
Hi Jeremy
Thanks for the insight. What you describe is consistent with how I see it.

However, I think that to say that people are upset because they feel entitled to a ticket is misrepresenting the situation. What people are irate about is the process and transparency. and I must say that I have certain issues with it too, though perhaps not as much as some. people feel entitled to a chance, and they are. when you have a situation where a self appointed person, or a group of people, by virtue of being admins of a FB group (which let's face it, should not constitute privilege) participate in a selection process in private, something ain't right. it may have been the only way to go but that does not make it right. Brett's reply that 'I did not have the time or resources to run a ballot' is not an excuse. Note that I am not accusing him of anything sinister, only commenting that there are many open questions that have not been answered and that whole exercise looks like it was a rush job and that there may have been another way to run this.

what I have most issue with is the attitude that the band is watching and if we keep arguing they won't do it again. I would very much like to believe that the band is not approaching this as "we will be nice to you but only if you behave". I am also concerned should a mindset that the FB admin group speaks for the fan base instill itself in the office. I hope this does not happen and I hope the band continues to keep communication lines open. The interaction we have is unique, I think, in the world of show biz, and some criticism and the occasional flaring tempers should not diminish it.
It is also understandable that some are irate about the fact that this list, which until the emergence of FB, has been beyond peer amongst Oils fans did not merit consideration.

Visit Your Group<https://au.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/powderworks/info;_ylc=X3oDMTJmNnA0dWg0BF9TAzk3NDkwNDMyBGdycElkAzE0NDQzMDM1BGdycHNwSWQDMTc0MDAyNTk1NQRzZWMDdnRsBHNsawN2Z2hwBHN0aW1lAzE0OTEzODQ4Nzg->

[Yahoo! Groups]<https://au.groups.yahoo.com/neo;_ylc=X3oDMTJldGRyNW9mBF9TAzk3NDkwNDMyBGdycElkAzE0NDQzMDM1BGdycHNwSWQDMTc0MDAyNTk1NQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNnZnAEc3RpbWUDMTQ5MTM4NDg3OA-->
• Privacy<https://info.yahoo.com/privacy/au/yahoo/groups/details.html> • Unsubscribe<mailto:powderworks-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com.au?subject=Unsubscribe> • Terms of Use<https://au.docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/>

Messages in this topic (3)
1.2. Re: Digest Number 2686
    Posted by: "Miron Mizrahi" mironmizrahi@yahoo.com mironmizrahi
    Date: Thu Apr 6, 2017 4:05 pm ((EST))

to paraphrase some band I once heard
"I won't run no race, cos there ain't no prize" :)

How could people get so unkind?

      From: "'Powderlurker .' powderlurker@hotmail.com [powderworks]" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>
To: "powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>
Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2017 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: [powderworks] Digest Number 2686
    I think the transparency issue is kind of at the crux of the matter. To find out what has happened, after the fact, is always a kick in the shins... especially as some of us luddites would have joined the facebook group, rather than just scanned it (because, let's face((book)) it... there's a lot of 'white noise' on that forum) to improve our chances of getting a ticket.
Bands supporting / assisting their fanbase with tickets isn't an unheard-of thing. It's just that most bands usually do it in more altruistic ways. Even U2, Rolling Stones, etc. (despite their monolithic status) seem to be able to make this happen for their fanclub.The bands are under no obligation to support the fans... but neither are the fans under any obligation to support the bands for 30+ years... through diesel &/or dust...
Possibly, making the registration offer to all 50,000 - 70,000+ Domain ticket buyers (ie - the Frontier 'list') wasn't the smoothest way of having a fan lottery. As a friend said.... where were all these 'fans' on the last 3 or 4 RSL tours?

So a lot of us are venting because we didn't get tickets because we tried everything we could to get there. That's not really a surprise... especially since only one person I know of, on the list, got a Selinas ticket... and do we know anyone on the facebook page who's getting a guernsey?
(I'm prepared to get shot down, about this...).
It sucks being in a contest when you don't really know the rules.

So, anyway, Jeremy.... did you score a ticket?
Lottery or Facebook?I know you'd be pretty disappointed if you weren't going.


Re: Facebook page

Wed Apr 5, 2017 5:20 pm (EST) . Posted by:

"jp1975" oils7802
Myself as an admin or whatever you want to call it on the FB page i can tell you 120% chris that the selection process was conducted the office/management as they do watch the FB page and they also have been a longtime member via this forum. Thete are a lot of people carrying because A. Their understandably upset they missed out in the ballot & B. Now there there knowledgable of the extra 50 tickets for workers their even mote pissed because for one reason or another you have a sense of entitlement to a ticket. 
I can tell you Brett tried his hardest to get ad many as he could and in the end it was 50 only offered. The band are under no obligation to do that but they did. From there they did the selection process based on the group activity. He was just asked to help possibly establish location.
Time to back off & just be happy that the band is back regardless of whether you see them next week or the end of the year
I am obviously a member of this list, but lets face it social media had taken over so forums like this start to become less important. The band have an active presence via all platforms and also acknowledge the FB group for which again they don'thave to but respect & appreciate who we are.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
-------- Original message --------From: "Chris seeker42@gmail.com [powderworks]" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> Date: 5/4/17 1:56 pm (GMT+10:00) To: Miron Mizrahi <mironmizrahi@yahoo.com>, powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au, Endurance Dancer <quiltybuckle@yahoo.com.au> Subject: Re: [powderworks] Facebook page



Re: Facebook page

Wed Apr 5, 2017 5:48 pm (EST) . Posted by:

"Miron Mizrahi" mironmizrahi
Hi Jeremy
Thanks for the insight. What you describe is consistent with how I see it.

However, I think that to say that people are upset because they feel entitled to a ticket is misrepresenting the situation. What people are irate about is the process and transparency. and I must say that I have certain issues with it too, though perhaps not as much as some. people feel entitled to a chance, and they are. when you have a situation where a self appointed person, or a group of people, by virtue of being admins of a FB group (which let's face it, should not constitute privilege) participate in a selection process in private, something ain't right. it may have been the only way to go but that does not make it right. Brett's reply that 'I did not have the time or resources to run a ballot' is not an excuse. Note that I am not accusing him of anything sinister, only commenting that there are many open questions that have not been answered and that whole exercise looks like it was a rush job and that there may have been another way to run this.

what I have most issue with is the attitude that the band is watching and if we keep arguing they won't do it again. I would very much like to believe that the band is not approaching this as "we will be nice to you but only if you behave". I am also concerned should a mindset that the FB admin group speaks for the fan base instill itself in the office. I hope this does not happen and I hope the band continues to keep communication lines open. The interaction we have is unique, I think, in the world of show biz, and some criticism and the occasional flaring tempers should not diminish it.
It is also understandable that some are irate about the fact that this list, which until the emergence of FB, has been beyond peer amongst Oils fans did not merit consideration.

Visit Your Group  
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Messages in this topic (3)
1.3. Re: Digest Number 2686
    Posted by: "jp1975" jp1975@optusnet.com.au oils7802
    Date: Thu Apr 6, 2017 11:21 pm ((EST))

The lurker makes a rare appearance fro the shadows. 
Did i get a ticket -  yes
Lottery/facebook - neither really. More stems from dealings with the office over time. 
Of course i would have been disappointed to miss out, very similar to the feeling of disappointment when rarities are shared amongst others and the same generosity isn't returned. Clarity of sound is what counts.

-------- Original message --------From: "'Powderlurker .' powderlurker@hotmail.com [powderworks]" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> Date: 6/4/17  12:08 pm  (GMT+10:00) To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au Subject: Re: [powderworks] Digest Number 2686




I think the transparency issue is kind of at the crux of the matter. To find out what has happened, after the fact, is always a kick in the shins... especially as some of us luddites would have joined the facebook
group, rather than just scanned it (because, let's face((book)) it... there's a lot of 'white noise' on that forum) to improve our chances of getting a ticket.

Bands supporting / assisting their fanbase with tickets isn't an unheard-of thing. It's just that most bands usually do it in more altruistic ways. Even U2, Rolling Stones, etc. (despite their monolithic status) seem to be able to make this happen for their
The bands are under no obligation to support the fans... but neither are the fans under any obligation to support the bands for 30+ years... through diesel &/or dust...

Possibly, making the registration offer to all 50,000 - 70,000+ Domain ticket buyers (ie - the Frontier 'list') wasn't the smoothest way of having a fan lottery. As a friend said.... where were all these 'fans' on the last 3 or 4 RSL tours?

So a lot of us are venting because we didn't get tickets because we tried everything we could to get there. That's not really a surprise... especially since only one person I know of, on the list, got a Selinas ticket... and do we know anyone on the facebook
page who's getting a guernsey?

(I'm prepared to get shot down, about this...).

It sucks being in a contest when you don't really know the rules.

So, anyway, Jeremy.... did you score a ticket?

Lottery or Facebook?
I know you'd be pretty disappointed if you weren't going.



Facebook page

Wed Apr 5, 2017 5:20 pm (EST) . Posted by:

"jp1975" oils7802

Myself as an admin or whatever you want to call it on the FB page i can tell you 120% chris that the selection process was conducted the office/management as they do watch the FB page and they also have been a longtime member via this forum. Thete are a lot
of people carrying because A. Their understandably upset they missed out in the ballot & B. Now there there knowledgable of the extra 50 tickets for workers their even mote pissed because for one reason or another you have a sense of entitlement to a ticket. 

I can tell you Brett tried his hardest to get ad many as he could and in the end it was 50 only offered. The band are under no obligation to do that but they did. From there they did the selection process based on the group activity. He was just asked to help
possibly establish location.

Time to back off & just be happy that the band is back regardless of whether you see them next week or the end of the year

I am obviously a member of this list, but lets face it social media had taken over so forums like this start to become less important. The band have an active presence via all platforms and also acknowledge the FB group for which again they don'thave to but
respect & appreciate who we are.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------From: "Chris seeker42@gmail.com [powderworks]" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> Date: 5/4/17 1:56 pm (GMT+10:00) To: Miron Mizrahi <mironmizrahi@yahoo.com>, powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au, Endurance Dancer <quiltybuckle@yahoo.com.au>
Subject: Re: [powderworks] Facebook page



Facebook page

Wed Apr 5, 2017 5:48 pm (EST) . Posted by:

"Miron Mizrahi" mironmizrahi

Hi Jeremy

Thanks for the insight. What you describe is consistent with how I see it.

However, I think that to say that people are upset because they feel entitled to a ticket is misrepresenting the situation. What people are irate about is the process and transparency. and I must say that I have certain issues with it too, though perhaps not
as much as some. people feel entitled to a chance, and they are. when you have a situation where a self appointed person, or a group of people, by virtue of being admins of a FB group (which let's face it, should not constitute privilege) participate in a
selection process in private, something ain't right. it may have been the only way to go but that does not make it right. Brett's reply that 'I did not have the time or resources to run a ballot' is not an excuse. Note that I am not accusing him of anything
sinister, only commenting that there are many open questions that have not been answered and that whole exercise looks like it was a rush job and that there may have been another way to run this.

what I have most issue with is the attitude that the band is watching and if we keep arguing they won't do it again. I would very much like to believe that the band is not approaching this as "we will be nice to you but only if you behave". I am also concerned
should a mindset that the FB admin group speaks for the fan base instill itself in the office. I hope this does not happen and I hope the band continues to keep communication lines open. The interaction we have is unique, I think, in the world of show biz,
and some criticism and the occasional flaring tempers should not diminish it.

It is also understandable that some are irate about the fact that this list, which until the emergence of FB, has been beyond peer amongst Oils fans did not merit consideration.



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Messages in this topic (3)
2.1. : Two Tickets Available for Chicago, Seattle Shows
    Posted by:  kristi.barrow@gmail.com krustyfries
    Date: Thu Apr 6, 2017 9:46 pm ((EST))

Hey I'll be at Seattle too!!! See you there!

Messages in this topic (2)
3. A version of now, full album transcribed for guitar
    Posted by: "Joakim Lindblad" joakim.lindblad@gmail.com jockelindblad
    Date: Fri Apr 7, 2017 7:15 am ((EST))

Hi all!

I have transcribed all nine songs of A Version of Now for guitar (chords,
riffs etc). See the attached pdf-file.

Happy playing!


1 of 1 File(s) https://au.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/powderworks/attachments/921470105

Peter Garrett - A version of now Full album transcribed.pdf

Messages in this topic (1)
4.1. Re: Facebook page
    Posted by: "Beth Curran" bcurran@columbus.rr.com bethcurran
    Date: Fri Apr 7, 2017 10:14 am ((EST))

What you said, Jane.  Quite a few years ago I went to Seattle on business  and met a bunch of Workers for dinner – I relied on them for transport as I was actually in Carnation and had no car.  No way would I get into a car half a continent away from home with random tossers from Facebook.

Hope to see you all if I can get tix to Seattle (hope Roger still has that extra pair, cause they’re mine, all mine, if he does) – right now I have Vancouver, but I really want to see both shows.  Anyone up for a pre-show dinner and a trip to Archie McPhee?  Long way to drive from Ohio, but I’m a teacher now, and school doesn’t end till then. – Beth

From: mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 2:32 AM
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au ; Endurance Dancer
Subject: Re: [powderworks] Facebook page


There are differences between the two groups for sure. This group feels more like a niche group, filled with people who have extensive Oils knowledge,

people who have a lot of experience after going to multiple gigs over the years, and they are always quick to offer advice or help when asked. People you'd be proud to call friend. In fact, lots of long lasting friendships have been made on this list. I love this group and how it supports not only the Oils, but what the individual members are doing in their solo careers. I hope this group continues long into the future.



From: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> on behalf of Endurance Dancer quiltybuckle@yahoo.com.au [powderworks] <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>
Sent: Wednesday, 5 April 2017 2:40 PM
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au; Chris Hurd
Cc: Miron Mizrahi; Chris
Subject: Re: [powderworks] Facebook page

I remember around 20 years ago Rob was being interviewed on the ABC by Denton, and Rob mentioned the Powderworks list. He said we talk about such topics as what kind of pick Jim uses. I thought that was funny.

When the band was in the wilderness over the past decade, I remember Jim once asked me if the Powderworks list was still going. He was amazed when I said it was.

"We will ride, ride, ride one more mile...Let's Ride!"

On Wednesday, 5 April 2017, 14:28, "Chris Hurd chris@dvinfo.net [powderworks]" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> wrote:

PLEASE keep this list going, no matter what. 

You will see me post on the FB group from time to time but *this* is the original Powderworks and I'm glad to be on it still after all these years.

Starting to sound sentimental even though I'm not even drunk... yet.


On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 11:14 PM, Endurance Dancer quiltybuckle@yahoo.com.au [powderworks] <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> wrote:

  Yeah, that's weird isn't it? That the Oils office comms is being put through FB instead of here now!

  And that's the reason why I put the original question here. Im gonna start another thread on that topic.

  "We will ride, ride, ride one more mile...Let's Ride!"

  On Wednesday, 5 April 2017, 13:56, "Chris seeker42@gmail.com [powderworks]" <mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> wrote:

  The Facebook group is popular, so I have to recognise that it has some legitimacy in that respect.

  However, it has no shared lineage with this page at all - it started as an awareness/petition group (something like "Powderworkers in support of Midnight Oil Reformation" and was renamed into a more general fan group after the band announced they would be reforming.

  I'm quite annoyed that it's being treated as the "real" Powderworks, and Brett Beattie as the fan's representative to the Office. This list, though diminished, is the real deal, and members here have had a relationship with the Office for far longer than the Facebook group has existed.

  In a conversation on FB, Brett claimed that the secret process was per requests from the Office. I'm sceptical, but they're talking to him and not to us, so how should we know?

  - CJK

  On Wed, 5 Apr 2017 at 13:18 Miron Mizrahi mironmizrahi@yahoo.com [powderworks] <mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> wrote:

    no relationship.

    I am admin here but not on FB.

    I see no reason to close this list down. not everyone uses FB. plus, it can be tiresome trawling thru all the posts on FB


    How could people get so unkind?

    From: "Endurance Dancer quiltybuckle@yahoo.com.au [powderworks]" <mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>
    To: "mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au" <mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>
    Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 1:23 PM
    Subject: [powderworks] Facebook page

    Hey comrades;

    What is the relationship between this group and the FB page? Are there any admins from here who also mange the Powderworker page on Facey?

    How many fans are now using FB instead of this list?

    Are email forums like this an outdated discussion platform? Is email in itself dead in the water?

    It seems the discussion on FB is very vibrant and robust, and is reaching out to more ppl.

    I remember logging into this group in the 90s when email was a novelty.

    "We will ride, ride, ride one more mile...Let's Ride!"

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Messages in this topic (33)
5.1. New ballot for Selina's ticket
    Posted by: "Miron Mizrahi" mironmizrahi@yahoo.com mironmizrahi
    Date: Fri Apr 7, 2017 11:50 am ((EST))

We have some good news. The Office has allocated this mail list some tickets to purchase for the Selina’s gig, in light of the allocation questions raised about tickets for Powderworks. As was the case with the FB allocation, the Office has also asked us to convey tickets to specified people. We don’t know why they are going through us rather than directly (which seems less complicated) but we are undertaking that distribution for them in parallel in good faith. Thus there are 9 (nine) tickets we can distribute. List administrators are not getting any special treatment and those of us who wish to luck out will need to go into the draw like everybody else.
We are going to run a ballot to randomly pick the lucky winners.
This is how it is going to work:
1. The ballot is open to all list members. But as the concert is in Sydney on Thu April 13th (in 6 days’ time), please consider carefully whether it is realistic for you to attend before you put your name forward as no transfers will be possible once you buy a ticket. So if you are not sure you can go, consider opting out and increasing the chances of those Powderworkers who can commit 100%
2. The ballot is for this list ONLY. This is the request from the office so please do not share outside this list. Please do not take it as a sign of a new world order with this list pitted against the FB group. This is not how the office, list admins, or I see it. But the reality is that this is how it panned out this time.
3. The open lottery rules apply here. No physical tickets will be issued, IDs/CCs will be checked at the door, and you must attend in person if you bought a ticket. This is so they can't be scalped or handed on
4. Anyone joining this list after this announcement mail is sent is not eligible.  Non-members are not eligible.  This is to prevent a flood of simple fortune-hunters. Rejoining evidenced ex-members may be considered, pending list-owner examination.
5. People who have obtained tickets via the previous public lottery or via the Facebook allocation are not eligible. The Office clearly stipulated that they would check our list for duplicates. Do not enter if you already have a ticket as we won't be responsible if you have them both cancelled by The Office.
6. Please email powderworks-owner@yahoogroups.com.au with you full name as per your ID. NOTE: please email from the account registered to this Yahoo mail list, as we will be cross checking them to ensure only list members win. We will only consider emails arrived by Sunday, 9-Apr at 12pm Sydney time. Emails arriving after this time, will not be eligible.
7. Once submissions are closed, we will run a random number selection 9 times to pick names from the list. ONLY winners will be notified. If you have not heard by Mon morning at 10am, you were unlucky. We will not publish the list of winners but they are free to announce their good fortune.
We realize that this procedure may not please everyone and that it – like anything else – can be improved. But we have a timeline (set by the office) to march to and we had to make a call … so this is it.
We would like to thank the Oils and the office for making this happen.
Good luck everyone!
The list admins.

How could people get so unkind?

Messages in this topic (4)
5.2. Re: New ballot for Selina's ticket
    Posted by: "Gary Badger" garybadger@gmail.com garybadger67
    Date: Fri Apr 7, 2017 12:10 pm ((EST))

Outstanding news! Ballot sent.

My sincere thanks to Miron, the Oils, the Office, and everyone else who
played a role in making this possible.

Another example of good people going above and beyond for others. :)


On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 11:50 AM, Miron Mizrahi mironmizrahi@yahoo.com
[powderworks] <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> wrote:

> We have some good news. The Office has allocated this mail list some
> tickets to purchase for the Selina’s gig, in light of the allocation
> questions raised about tickets for Powderworks. As was the case with the FB
> allocation, the Office has also asked us to convey tickets to specified
> people. We don’t know why they are going through us rather than directly
> (which seems less complicated) but we are undertaking that distribution for
> them in parallel in good faith. Thus there are 9 (nine) tickets we can
> distribute. List administrators are not getting any special treatment and
> those of us who wish to luck out will need to go into the draw like
> everybody else.
> We are going to run a ballot to randomly pick the lucky winners.
> This is how it is going to work:
> 1. The ballot is open to all list members. But as the concert is in Sydney
> on Thu April 13th (in 6 days’ time), please consider carefully whether it
> is realistic for you to attend before you put your name forward as no
> transfers will be possible once you buy a ticket. So if you are not sure
> you can go, consider opting out and increasing the chances of those
> Powderworkers who can commit 100%
> 2. The ballot is for this list ONLY. This is the request from the office
> so please do not share outside this list. Please do not take it as a sign
> of a new world order with this list pitted against the FB group. This is
> not how the office, list admins, or I see it. But the reality is that this
> is how it panned out this time.
> 3. The open lottery rules apply here. No physical tickets will be issued,
> IDs/CCs will be checked at the door, and you must attend in person if you
> bought a ticket. This is so they can't be scalped or handed on
> 4. Anyone joining this list after this announcement mail is sent is not
> eligible.  Non-members are not eligible.  This is to prevent a flood of
> simple fortune-hunters. Rejoining evidenced ex-members may be considered,
> pending list-owner examination.
> 5. People who have obtained tickets via the previous public lottery or via
> the Facebook allocation are not eligible. The Office clearly stipulated
> that they would check our list for duplicates. Do not enter if you already
> have a ticket as we won't be responsible if you have them both cancelled by
> The Office.
> 6. Please email powderworks-owner@yahoogroups.com.au with you full name
> as per your ID. NOTE: please email from the account registered to this
> Yahoo mail list, as we will be cross checking them to ensure only list
> members win. We will only consider emails arrived by Sunday, 9-Apr at 12pm
> Sydney time. Emails arriving after this time, will not be eligible.
> 7. Once submissions are closed, we will run a random number selection 9
> times to pick names from the list. ONLY winners will be notified. If you
> have not heard by Mon morning at 10am, you were unlucky. We will not
> publish the list of winners but they are free to announce their good
> fortune.
> We realize that this procedure may not please everyone and that it – like
> anything else – can be improved. But we have a timeline (set by the office)
> to march to and we had to make a call … so this is it.
> We would like to thank the Oils and the office for making this happen.
> Good luck everyone!
> The list admins.
> Miron
> How could people get so unkind?

Messages in this topic (4)
5.3. Re: New ballot for Selina's ticket
    Posted by: "Stuart Tangye" s.tangye@garvan.org.au sgtangye
    Date: Fri Apr 7, 2017 12:14 pm ((EST))

This is awesome – thanks to everyone involved (Miron, The Office, the band) for making this happen. Good luck everyone!


Prof Stuart Tangye | Head, Immunology Division
Head, Immunology & Immunodeficiency Lab
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
384 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010

NHMRC Principal Research Fellow

Professor, St Vincent's Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Australia

T: + 61 (0)2 9295 8455 I M: + 61 (0) 413 390 306  I F: +61 (0)2 9295 8404  I E: s.tangye@garvan.org.au<mailto:s.tangye@garvan.org.au>


From: <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au<mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>> on behalf of "Miron Mizrahi mironmizrahi@yahoo.com<mailto:mironmizrahi@yahoo.com> [powderworks]" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au<mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>>
Reply-To: "powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au<mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au<mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>>, Miron Mizrahi <mironmizrahi@yahoo.com<mailto:mironmizrahi@yahoo.com>>
Date: Friday, April 7, 2017 at 12:50 PM
To: "powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au<mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au<mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>>
Subject: [powderworks] New ballot for Selina's ticket


We have some good news. The Office has allocated this mail list some tickets to purchase for the Selina’s gig, in light of the allocation questions raised about tickets for Powderworks. As was the case with the FB allocation, the Office has also asked us to convey tickets to specified people. We don’t know why they are going through us rather than directly (which seems less complicated) but we are undertaking that distribution for them in parallel in good faith. Thus there are 9 (nine) tickets we can distribute. List administrators are not getting any special treatment and those of us who wish to luck out will need to go into the draw like everybody else.

We are going to run a ballot to randomly pick the lucky winners.

This is how it is going to work:
1. The ballot is open to all list members. But as the concert is in Sydney on Thu April 13th (in 6 days’ time), please consider carefully whether it is realistic for you to attend before you put your name forward as no transfers will be possible once you buy a ticket. So if you are not sure you can go, consider opting out and increasing the chances of those Powderworkers who can commit 100%
2. The ballot is for this list ONLY. This is the request from the office so please do not share outside this list. Please do not take it as a sign of a new world order with this list pitted against the FB group. This is not how the office, list admins, or I see it. But the reality is that this is how it panned out this time.
3. The open lottery rules apply here. No physical tickets will be issued, IDs/CCs will be checked at the door, and you must attend in person if you bought a ticket. This is so they can't be scalped or handed on
4. Anyone joining this list after this announcement mail is sent is not eligible.  Non-members are not eligible.  This is to prevent a flood of simple fortune-hunters. Rejoining evidenced ex-members may be considered, pending list-owner examination.
5. People who have obtained tickets via the previous public lottery or via the Facebook allocation are not eligible. The Office clearly stipulated that they would check our list for duplicates. Do not enter if you already have a ticket as we won't be responsible if you have them both cancelled by The Office.
6. Please email powderworks-owner@yahoogroups.com.au<mailto:powderworks-owner@yahoogroups.com.au> with you full name as per your ID. NOTE: please email from the account registered to this Yahoo mail list, as we will be cross checking them to ensure only list members win. We will only consider emails arrived by Sunday, 9-Apr at 12pm Sydney time. Emails arriving after this time, will not be eligible.
7. Once submissions are closed, we will run a random number selection 9 times to pick names from the list. ONLY winners will be notified. If you have not heard by Mon morning at 10am, you were unlucky. We will not publish the list of winners but they are free to announce their good fortune.

We realize that this procedure may not please everyone and that it – like anything else – can be improved. But we have a timeline (set by the office) to march to and we had to make a call … so this is it.

We would like to thank the Oils and the office for making this happen.

Good luck everyone!

The list admins.


How could people get so unkind?

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Messages in this topic (4)
5.4. Re: New ballot for Selina's ticket
    Posted by: "Jane Remedio" bunge91@hotmail.com janeremo
    Date: Fri Apr 7, 2017 12:25 pm ((EST))

Great news for this list.

Thanks Miron and the list admins for running a clean, transparent ballot. Thanks to the office and the band for making this possible too.

Good Luck everyone!.


From: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> on behalf of Stuart Tangye s.tangye@garvan.org.au [powderworks] <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>
Sent: Friday, 7 April 2017 12:13 PM
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au; Miron Mizrahi
Subject: Re: [powderworks] New ballot for Selina's ticket

This is awesome – thanks to everyone involved (Miron, The Office, the band) for making this happen. Good luck everyone!


Prof Stuart Tangye | Head, Immunology Division
Head, Immunology & Immunodeficiency Lab
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
384 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010

NHMRC Principal Research Fellow

Professor, St Vincent's Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Australia

T: + 61 (0)2 9295 8455 I M: + 61 (0) 413 390 306  I F: +61 (0)2 9295 8404  I E: s.tangye@garvan.org.au<mailto:s.tangye@garvan.org.au>


From: <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au<mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>> on behalf of "Miron Mizrahi mironmizrahi@yahoo.com<mailto:mironmizrahi@yahoo.com> [powderworks]" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au<mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>>
Reply-To: "powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au<mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au<mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>>, Miron Mizrahi <mironmizrahi@yahoo.com<mailto:mironmizrahi@yahoo.com>>
Date: Friday, April 7, 2017 at 12:50 PM
To: "powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au<mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au<mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>>
Subject: [powderworks] New ballot for Selina's ticket


We have some good news. The Office has allocated this mail list some tickets to purchase for the Selina’s gig, in light of the allocation questions raised about tickets for Powderworks. As was the case with the FB allocation, the Office has also asked us to convey tickets to specified people. We don’t know why they are going through us rather than directly (which seems less complicated) but we are undertaking that distribution for them in parallel in good faith. Thus there are 9 (nine) tickets we can distribute. List administrators are not getting any special treatment and those of us who wish to luck out will need to go into the draw like everybody else.

We are going to run a ballot to randomly pick the lucky winners.

This is how it is going to work:
1. The ballot is open to all list members. But as the concert is in Sydney on Thu April 13th (in 6 days’ time), please cons