Midnight Oil

Subject: Re: [powderworks] Facebook page
From: jp1975
Date: 5/04/2017, 5:20 pm
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au, Chris

Midnight Oil

Myself as an admin or whatever you want to call it on the FB page i can tell you 120% chris that the selection process was conducted the office/management as they do watch the FB page and they also have been a longtime member via this forum. Thete are a lot of people carrying because A. Their understandably upset they missed out in the ballot & B. Now there there knowledgable of the extra 50 tickets for workers their even mote pissed because for one reason or another you have a sense of entitlement to a ticket. 

I can tell you Brett tried his hardest to get ad many as he could and in the end it was 50 only offered. The band are under no obligation to do that but they did. From there they did the selection process based on the group activity. He was just asked to help possibly establish location.

Time to back off & just be happy that the band is back regardless of whether you see them next week or the end of the year

I am obviously a member of this list, but lets face it social media had taken over so forums like this start to become less important. The band have an active presence via all platforms and also acknowledge the FB group for which again they don'thave to but respect & appreciate who we are.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: "Chris seeker42@gmail.com [powderworks]" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>
Date: 5/4/17 1:56 pm (GMT+10:00)
To: Miron Mizrahi <mironmizrahi@yahoo.com>, powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au, Endurance Dancer <quiltybuckle@yahoo.com.au>
Subject: Re: [powderworks] Facebook page


The Facebook group is popular, so I have to recognise that it has some legitimacy in that respect.

However, it has no shared lineage with this page at all - it started as an awareness/petition group (something like "Powderworkers in support of Midnight Oil Reformation" and was renamed into a more general fan group after the band announced they would be reforming.

I'm quite annoyed that it's being treated as the "real" Powderworks, and Brett Beattie as the fan's representative to the Office. This list, though diminished, is the real deal, and members here have had a relationship with the Office for far longer than the Facebook group has existed.

In a conversation on FB, Brett claimed that the secret process was per requests from the Office. I'm sceptical, but they're talking to him and not to us, so how should we know?


On Wed, 5 Apr 2017 at 13:18 Miron Mizrahi mironmizrahi@yahoo.com [powderworks] <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au> wrote:

no relationship.

I am admin here but not on FB.

I see no reason to close this list down. not everyone uses FB. plus, it can be tiresome trawling thru all the posts on FB

How could people get so unkind?

From: "Endurance Dancer quiltybuckle@yahoo.com.au [powderworks]" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>
To: "powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au" <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 1:23 PM
Subject: [powderworks] Facebook page

Hey comrades;

What is the relationship between this group and the FB page? Are there any admins from here who also mange the Powderworker page on Facey? 

How many fans are now using FB instead of this list? 

Are email forums like this an outdated discussion platform? Is email in itself dead in the water? 

It seems the discussion on FB is very vibrant and robust, and is reaching out to more ppl. 

I remember logging into this group in the 90s when email was a novelty. 
"We will ride, ride, ride one more mile...Let's Ride!"