Subject: RE: [powderworks] Peter Garrett at Brisbane Writers Festival promoting his autobiography |
From: "Simon Kierse" <> |
Date: 25/07/2015, 3:12 pm |
To: <>, "'Tom Spencer'" <> |
My Gut is Wrenched Out………..
I can’t go unfortunately. Well actually I don’t live in Brisbane. I have begun a Google trawl and found the Adelaide Date. (20th, October.)
On further inspection the book is due for release on 1st October, 2015.
There doesn’t appear to be a site which has all his appearances on it. There is nothing on his web site at this stage.
May be more info in the coming weeks.
Book cover looks nice. (see attached).
As you could imagine a google search of Big Blue Sky brings up a lot of stuff for Blue Sky Mine.
From: []
Sent: Saturday, 25 July 2015 10:20 AM
Subject: [powderworks] Peter Garrett at Brisbane Writers Festival promoting his autobiography
Howdy Powdies
Peter Garrett's promoting his autobiography "Big Blue Sky", at the Brisbane Powerhouse on 26 October:
Tom S.
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