I’m a bit late coming back to this thread, but after a long hiatus from the list (been getting the mails, just not been reading them) I finally made it back into the fold (or folder?) and have been catching up.
It’s great to be back, and great to see some of the old familiar names from the “majordomo” days. I personally signed up to Powderworks early in 1996 and have been subscribed ever since. It’s nice also to see so many unfamiliar names posting. The community still seems vibrant which is a testament to what was originally built by Tim and maintained by Stephan now, but also the passion and the power of Oils fans themselves!
(See what I did there?!)
I noticed recently that my site had been “down” since a server move last year. It’s back up, and still as outdated looking as ever. I still dream of finding the time to modernise and revitalise it; maybe if the guys do re-form in the future, I’ll get back together with the web dev skills, brush off the cobwebs, and justify a bit of time to get it updated!
If anyone actually remembers me and is interested, I’ll summarise what’s been happening over the last
while (not in chronological order!):
1x Wedding
2x new homes
2x new jobs
2x kids
2x books published (3rd underway)
1x nervous breakdown
1x life rebuilt and better than ever!