Subject: more oil |
From: "Simon Kierse" <> |
Date: 7/05/2015, 2:28 pm |
To: |
Sitting around at MIDNIGHT a few night ago I realised that the OIL has been exhausted on You Tube. So I had to explore for more OIL.
The exploration was successful and I found some stuff.
1st one is an oldie but a goldie……SORRY if you have seen it before.
The next 2 go together. Someone has gone to a bit of effort to sift through 30 odd hours of RAGE stuff to extract the OIL content and semi related OIL stuff. Warning there is no rare stuff or live footage. Just OILS songs making the top 10 etc. OILS songs being introduced by other musos. A better quality BFWF 30min doco. 2 SWINGERS songs This band had BONES (happy birthday) in it many years ago. Look for a familiar part at the start of one of the songs. Can any one else pick the similarity?? I was surprised myself…..
With Cold Chisel (yes I like other bands) announcing a re-enactment of their Last Stand concerts from 1983 at the Sydney Entertainment Centre recently I wonder if MO will follow suit with something they did in 1983?? My suggestion would be the 10 to 1 gig they did at Port Kembla Leagues Club where they played the entire album start to finish along with other songs…… I wish…..