These things are always interesting, even if only as a conversation starter. They certainly aren't science. Rolling Stone in their first big ranking of guitarists had a panel of experts rank Eddie Van Halen in the eighties, only to bump him up to a single digit rank in a later effort. I don't have a strong opinion on Van Halen, but that kind of schizophrenia makes the whole endeavor meaningless (unless someone out there says Van Halen III was otherworldly?).
As an interested non-Aussie I really find this kind of thing intriguing and useful. The 100 Greatest Australian Albums of a few years back provided some awesome additions to my library that I would have never otherwise heard (Triffids, Skyhooks). Youtube saved me from a few that I would have lamented. But I am always missing the context, both having grown up without the exposure to the contemporary Australian music scene, be it radio, club or cool kids buzzing at school, or pervasive influences on new bands over time.
Some things don't require context, and I am always gratified to see how timeless the majesty of Midnight Oil is when considered. I envy those of you who got to experience it from birth to now.
Thank you for sharing. Very curious what some of you think, particularly about omissions.
Sent from The Mall
-------- Original message --------
From: "'Simon Kierse' skierse@netspace.net.au [powderworks]"
Date:04/12/2015 12:17 AM (GMT-07:00)
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au
Subject: [powderworks] Oz Rock survey LMOC