Hi there
On PG's website:
"As Minister for the Environment, Peter Garrett was instrumental in
the campaign against so called “scientific whaling” in the Antarctic,
culminating in Australia’s successful challenge to Japanese whaling in
the International Court of Justice in 2014. He secured agreement to a
national waste policy leading to Australia’s first ever e-waste
recycling scheme, and delivered a long awaited resale royalty scheme for
visual artists.
Following the 2010 election Peter was sworn in as Minister for School Education, Early Childhood and Youth.
In that role he secured a broad suite of education reforms. These
included legislating for the first time, a needs based funding system
for all Australian schools, as well as implementing a national
curriculum and initiating indigenous ranger cadetships for Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander students."
That doesn't mention his pushing for a wildlife corridor in North Queensland, nor his putting environmental conditions on projects like the Gunns Pulp Mill. Nor can it mention what is perhaps most important - his advocacy behind the scenes in cabinet for the environment and social justice. He even quit cabinet rather than serve under a bad PM. How ideologically pure is that!