any non Aussie workers want the PG segment, let me
How could people get so unkind?
From: "Adrian Hooper
To: No Reply
Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2015 6:56 AM
Subject: Re: [powderworks] Digest Number 2350
Yeah context is everything and seeing the Oils
presented again against the backdrop of the Fraser
years was fantastic. A really good series I thought.
Sent from my iPad
On 1 Apr 2015, at 8:57 pm,
powderworks powderworks Group
1 Message
Digest #2350 1 PG with GM on ABC TV by "david earle"
PG with GM on ABC TV
Wed Apr 1, 2015 4:20 pm (EST) . Posted by:
"david earle" canadavros
Hi all,
If any Powdies out there have been watching George
Megalogenis's history of the Australian economy (it's
way more interesting than it sounds!) will have
noticed PG in a couple of eps (including one where he
talks about the Aus live music boom of the 70's and
80s, and which features Cold cold change).
GM is music fan (he is especially a total fanboy of
Bruce Springsteen) and knows a fair bit about Oz
music, so the whole series is peppered with great
All up, it's worth a look not just for PG's presence -
I have no idea whether ABC iView is accessible
overseas, but here's a link to give anyone interested
a point of entry:
CheersDavid Reply to sender . Reply to group . Reply
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