Subject: RE: [powderworks] Tannelorn |
From: "bruce cameron" <> |
Date: 12/02/2015, 2:40 am |
To: <>, "'jeremy peisley'" <>, <> |
Ah, Tanelorn. I tried all sorts of angles to track down who may have had some of this footage. There were always rumors, but nothing ever surfaced. Some video pops up on from the Oils on that b-vers Sometimes clip, but no one knows who actually has the rest. Someone seemed to advise they had an audio recording of it, but no one replied to the online chat where it was stated. I went looking under all sorts of rocks. I email’d people I found had been in the Aus music industry since that time. Some knew about the gig, some were even there. I touched base with many who traded all sorts of weird and abstract live gigs from the time. I even tracked down the organizer of the whole festival, and whilst he mentioned some camera crews being involved for the overall festival, he couldn’t recall the details of who recorded the Oils performance, or if this was even official. No one seemed to have any footage. My hunch always pointed back to masters Hirst and Moginie possessing something. Had the foresight to record it, but it was on some shelf under an old guitar or other bunch of demo tapes, that had not seen light since the hallowed 80’s years.
Well, guess who has it after all! Some of you have seen some of it’s rare value at the exhibition. And Jeremy has seen a lot more of what it potentially has to offer.
So, when someone gets the rest. Give me a call, as I would put together a reasonable effort to obtain at least a viewing of that.
Be good!
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 4:55 AM
Subject: RE: [powderworks] Tannelorn
It does exist. There was extended pieces of footage at the oils exhibition which btw is about to kick off in Newcastle on Feb 20.At 7pm that night there will be a free concert with Jim & his Electric Guitar orchestra & Backsliders.
The band found the recording in the vault & about an hours worth give or take was salvaged, i actually saw this . absolutely amazing stuff. On problem was that due to the age, the audio & vision does drop in and out a bit and the quality is not up to official release standards, but needless to say i did express my opinion that if it is just going to lie dormant why not offer it to the powderworkers, i know one person who would stand in line for that hey BC.
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, 11 February 2015 9:33 PM
Subject: [powderworks] Tannelorn
Hi, I don't know if this has been asked on the list before, but I wonder if there is actual footage of the Oils at the Tannelorn music festival in 1981 (not just the little snips used on Youtube or the Sometimes vid). This would be gold!!
p.s looking forward to PG's book this year.