Subject: RE: [powderworks] Hordern Pavilion poster - Ebay |
From: "jeremy peisley" <> |
Date: 1/02/2015, 9:43 pm |
To: <>, "'Simon Kierse'" <>, "'oilyshark'" <> |
I have had some discussions with Ray Argal in the past & below are snippets of the emails. He would have a heap of stuff, some of which was seen at the exhibition
“ Coolongatta and Melbourne Ent centre in Oct/Nov 84 and also from the Syd entertainment centre in Sept 83. I was filming during those concerts and have most of the audio but it varies from line out of the desk and live mike”
“ The audio was going to be from the tapes recorded during the Hordern Pavilion shows in Sydney from 1984”
“I worked with the Oils over many years during the 80's (I was editor, DOP, Producer, co-Director of the Capitol theatre film, as well as doing a handful of music videos for the Oils from 83 - 87)”
Aside from Ray Argal (as he worked with them which makes it different ) There are a number of items out there Simon, just a shame that people aren’t willing to share the around.
Gotta love the clarity of sound....
From: []
Sent: Saturday, 31 January 2015 10:46 PM
To:; 'oilyshark'
Subject: RE: [powderworks] Hordern Pavilion poster - Ebay
Hi Shark,
Pity about the poster. $400 is a bit of money.
I like the set list you have attached. Nothing Lost Nothing gained in the encore! Wow all 8.5 minutes of it. That would have been something to see. Wonder if Ray Argal has this concert on tape. I really need to visit his studio and borrow some stuff.
I am normally pretty good at deciphering the slang, abbreviations, acronyms etc etc on the set lists but one song has me beat. It may be obvious but I can’t work it out.
It says GOD or SOD??? What song was that?
Also thanks to you and the others who had the foresight to tape live shows. Some of the recordings provided through the list have been awesome. Wish it was something I thought of, although hiding the brick like Sanyo (or was it Sony) tape recorder down my pants would have been a bit hard.
Saw Diesel & Dust at the Hordern Pavilion. None of those shows are around that I know of. Also the 20000 Watt RSL gig I saw had some awesome songs. The wheel fell on some classic songs like Koala Sprint, Spoon and a few others. Again no recording exists. Agrh the benefit of hind sight eh!
If you can tell me about GOD that would be good.
From: []
Sent: Saturday, 31 January 2015 10:22 AM
Subject: [powderworks] Hordern Pavilion poster - Ebay [2 Attachments]
[Attachment(s) from oilyshark included below]
Yes feeling a tad nostalgic on this ten year anniversary
This poster is as rare as hens teeth. Been many years searching and has finally landed on Ebay. Bit out of my price range unfortunately
I went to the first and last shows at the Hordern in 1984 ….they played seven straight which was remarkable. The Hordern is so hot it was nicknamed “The Sweat Box”
Also refer attached set lists of one of the nights I went