Subject: Re: [powderworks] BFWF repeat |
From: Bruce Cameron |
Date: 25/01/2015, 5:49 am |
To: "" <>, The Oilman <> |
CC: Stuart Tangye <>, "<>" <>, Simon Kierse <> |
Stu, you are right on. I know I watched the movie before, I don't recall if I actually have it. Not a good movie, but the Short Memory live performance is in the movie, the characters in the movie are at an Oils concert, there are clips of character dialogue and stuff throughout the actual song.Todd----- Original Message -----Cc: Simon KierseSent: Saturday, January 24, 2015 3:57 AMSubject: Re: [powderworks] BFWF repeat
I think that movie was called "one night stand" starring jo Kenned. I think it was released in cinemas. It was about the end of the world due to nuclear warfare. People were taking refuge in the opera house. This is what I recall - but could be totally wrong!
All the best
Stuart Tangye | Lab Head, Faculty
Immunology & Immunodeficiency
Immunology Division
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
384 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010NHMRC Principal Research Fellow
Associate Professor, St Vincent's Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Australia
T: + 61 (0)2 9295 8455 I M: + 61 (0) 413 390 306 I F: +61 (0)2 9295 8404 I
On 24 Jan 2015, at 20:54, [powderworks] <> wrote:
Sydney Entertainment centre 1983. Record for a movie from memory that never saw the light if day.
-------- Original Message -----
Hi All, Late notice I know but just found out. The Big
Country doco on BFWF tour from 1986 is being played on Rage tonight in
Australia from 11.30pm. (ABC 1) Also half a dozen Warumpi Band
clips. The doco might be better quality than the copies getting
around. Also there was a live clip of Short Memory on Rage this
morning. I actually missed it. I am assuming it was one of the
common clips getting around. If someone saw it could they please
enlighten me. Would have hated to miss a rare one. Regards, SK
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