Subject: The Eighties! |
From: |
Date: 20/01/2015, 8:50 pm |
To: |
I used to have this poster when I was about 12 years old! If I remember correctly there wasn't that much Oils memorabilia around in the suburban shops, however there was of course the albums and singles. For youngsters like me, who were too young to know about the live music scene, the Oils maintained a sense of mystery for quite some time. I like that in a band. It helped that they weren't all over the pop music magazines or filmclips. The ABC Rock Arena show used to screen footage on the weekend form the Capitol Theatre film. It was mesmerizing! The ABC did alot to bring interesting and creative music to the surface through TV shows like Rock Arena. That's how I was first exposed to Warumpi Band, Coloured Stone, Rose Tattoo, Iggy Pop and a variety of local and overseas alternative music.
I also had a great Oils T Shirt- the one with the altered altered USA flag...can't find a pic of it anywhere. Wish I still had theta shirt, of course I couldn't wear it now but I'd probably frame it somehow. Ahhh, the eighties when I was young mesmerized by the mystery of the big world and its' sounds. Hot summer in Brisbane is bringing it all back.....:-)