Subject: Oils Cover Comp |
From: "Simon Kierse" <> |
Date: 15/12/2014, 10:23 pm |
To: |
Hi All,
Some may be aware ABC Newcastle is running an OILS cover comp to promote the opening of MOMO expo in Newcastle next year. The following is a good blog on the progress of the comp.§ion=competitions
There are 4 finalists.
1. I’m the Cure. ( yes a surprise to me but it sounds OK.)
2. BSM (can’t find it any where)
3. Bedz (female solo acoustic version - good effort)
4. Bedz (different version, male solo version with a few instruments, he got a few words wrong but he is talented.)
There were a few short listed and also highly commended. I wouldn’t mind seeing the flute players version of weeding cake island.
I am not really into OILS covers but this comp has been great for local musos to have a crack.
Have a look if you are interested and you be the judge…