Subject: Re: : Re: [powderworks] Re:: Midnight Oil Remastered CDs |
From: Stuart Tangye |
Date: 30/11/2014, 1:13 pm |
To: <>, Kevin Yates <> |
Stuart Tangye |
Lab Head, Faculty
Immunology & Immunodeficiency
Immunology Division
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
384 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010
NHMRC Principal Research Fellow
Associate Professor, St Vincent's Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Australia
T: + 61 (0)2 9295 8455 I M: + 61 (0) 413 390 306 I F: +61 (0)2 9295 8404 I E:
If memory serves, they were both at the opening of the Making of Midnight Oil exhibition official opening on day 1 at Manly. Someone sent a photograph through the Powerderworkers group.
Try searching the archives for this at Yahoo Groups. []
Sent: Sunday, 30 November 2014 5:41 AM
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.
Subject: RE: : Re: [powderworks] Re:: Midnight Oil Remastered CDs
does someone have a recent pic of peter gifford or andrew "bear" james please ?
i have tried to look after in internet but didn't find anything :-(
thanks in advence,