Midnight Oil

Midnight Oil

Subject: Re: [powderworks] Re: PG article LMOC
From: Jeff McLean
Date: 21/09/2014, 7:50 am
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au

Which is so sad, given that PG's time in  the industry made the industry anywhere from 4 to 13 times safer than it was before he arrived, and furthermore that (even if you do take into account that there were a number of cases of rorting) Australia's home energy efficiency has been dramatically increased.

This is very much worth a read: http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollytics/2010/10/19/insulation-fire-risk-%E2%80%93-the-data-is-in/
And this : http://www.crikey.com.au/2014/09/03/pink-batts-commission-hands-abbott-four-explosive-problems/?wpmp_switcher=mobile

Also, the judge said that PG had been the most honest person on the witness stand by far. 

What more do we want from him?

I still think he did the right thing through his whole time in parliament, and though he was party to some decisions that not many of us liked very much, the fact that he was willing to burn some of his cultural capital to be a voice in a movement he loved is admirable indeed.


On 09/20/14 23:10, 'Simon Kierse' skierse@netspace.net.au [powderworks] wrote:

Pink Batts are a roof insulation product.


When PG was environment minister he oversaw a huge scheme which made these pink batts available to the public at a subsidised rate.  There were problems with the scheme which I wont go into.  The scheme was eventually stopped and it was the subject of a recent enquiry which PG had to appear at.   If you google “Australian roof insulation scheme” it will bring up a stack of information.


I think the journo means these 2 words are not welcome amongst MO fans.








From: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au [mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au]
Sent: Saturday, 20 September 2014 11:03 PM
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au
Subject: [powderworks] Re: PG article LMOC



Thanks for the link; interesting read. However:


"...two words not spoken in polite company among Oil worshippers: "Pink Batts"."


Will some Worker please explain exactly what that means, please? 


Thanks in advance,