Subject: RE: [powderworks] Re: PG article LMOC |
From: "Simon Kierse" <> |
Date: 20/09/2014, 11:10 pm |
To: <>, "'Chris Hurd'" <> |
Pink Batts are a roof insulation product.
When PG was environment minister he oversaw a huge scheme which made these pink batts available to the public at a subsidised rate. There were problems with the scheme which I wont go into. The scheme was eventually stopped and it was the subject of a recent enquiry which PG had to appear at. If you google “Australian roof insulation scheme” it will bring up a stack of information.
I think the journo means these 2 words are not welcome amongst MO fans.
From: []
Sent: Saturday, 20 September 2014 11:03 PM
Subject: [powderworks] Re: PG article LMOC
Thanks for the link; interesting read. However:
"...two words not spoken in polite company among Oil worshippers: "Pink Batts"."
Will some Worker please explain exactly what that means, please?
Thanks in advance,