Thanks for the link. Plenty of places to walk back through the years there. Any idea who might have admin rights to it as there certainly is a fair amount new since '94!
I must be remembering something else, or maybe it was just commentary through the years on the email list as the Oilbase is not exactly what I was thinking of. I thought there was a site that was lyrics only and much more detailed -- for instance, entries/descriptions of Dreamworld, Yuendumu, Kintore, Lasseter, etc. It may just be age or wishful thinking or both!
All the gallery exhibit posts have got me nostalgic from many miles away.
Wasn't there an online "companion" -- for lack of a better word -- that
some powderworker maintained for the people, places, events referenced
in Oils lyrics? I may just be old and growing forgetful but if someone
has a link, could you share?