Subject: RE: [powderworks] Re: Annotated Oils |
From: Kevin Yates |
Date: 26/06/2014, 10:04 pm |
To: "" <>, "Jeff and Jane Scott" <> |
I recall something like what you are describing at
which seems to have disappeared... not sure it had been updated since BOBW was released - which having just had a look was 10 years ago apparently!!
I remember it too, Tim, though I can�t find it now.
I pinched the idea for my Neil Murray/Warumpi Band page - - also not updated in several years now�
From: []
Sent: Thursday, 26 June 2014 1:50 AM
Subject: [powderworks] Re: Annotated Oils
Thanks for the link. Plenty of places to walk back through the years there. Any idea who might have admin rights to it as there certainly is a fair amount new since '94!
I must be remembering something else, or maybe it was just commentary through the years on the email list as the Oilbase is not exactly what I was thinking of. I thought there was a site that was lyrics only and much more detailed -- for instance, entries/descriptions
of Dreamworld, Yuendumu, Kintore, Lasseter, etc. It may just be age or wishful thinking or both!
Tim F.
4.2. Re: Annotated Oils
Posted by: "ppoitras"
Date: Wed Jun 25, 2014 10:40 am ((EST))
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: "Tim Frommer [powderworks]" <>
Date: 06/24/2014 8:15 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: [powderworks] Annotated Oils
All the gallery exhibit posts have got me nostalgic from many miles away.
Wasn't there an online "companion" -- for lack of a better word -- that some powderworker maintained for the people, places, events referenced in Oils lyrics? I may just be old and growing forgetful but if someone has a link, could you share?
many thanks,
Tim F.