Thanks for the pic.
A couple of comments:
Can understand Bones not being able to make it, being in Nashville and all, but if Andrew James is there (as well he should be), where's Martin?
(On AJ, I think I've discovered his post Oils band's name. They popped out a single in the late 80s which was about Auschwitz (I dimly recall). They were called The Change and the song was Forever young. Does this ring
any bells with anyone? I can't find it on the
Is Giffo wearing some Wicked weasel attire beneath his otherwise conventional outfit - he may be laughing because he's keeping his more idiosyncratic fashion choices to himself, unlike....
... Rob. Oh Rob. Wearing a hot pink jumpsuit and matching Buggles specs (thanks to an earlier poster for pointing out this parallel) may or may not have been a great fashion statement, but unless there is a high population density of yellow bellied black snakes in in the gallery, tucking the legs into long blue Explorer socks isn't really helping.
From: "'Powderlurker .'
[powderworks]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, 21 June 2014 12:10 AM
Subject: [powderworks] RE: [powderlurks] Digest Number Ah! [1 Attachment]