FOUR tracks from Tanelorn - basically everything that has Pete
wearing a red & black checked lumberjacket shirt (also wearing a
Grey/green hoody before he takes it off to reveal red & black
Hang a right, after you walk past the desk.... near the red
sails in the sunset film.
Quality is really, really heavy on the
digital artifacts. Not sure if this is deliberate or best they can do with
what they had to work with. I was told that that was pretty much all there was
remaining of Tanelorn (unless the original film masters magically turn up,
Bring your money with you.... there's a TON of merch to
buy, as well as all the CDS (LP - $15.00, EP - $7.50, DVD - $15.00 (I think).
T-Shirts are $35 & $45 (I think) ( + nice repro of the original surfing
with a spoon promo T), dishtowels, carry bags, fridge magnet sets, plectrum
sets, Stubby holders, post cards, a poster, etc., etc.
Just in time for