Subject: Re: [powderworks] RE: remasters & preorders |
From: Kate Clarke |
Date: 18/06/2014, 9:14 pm |
To: "" <>, Chris <> |
CC: bruce cameron <>, Powderworks <> |
Don't mind me, just trying to stir up some discussion.Note that I'm capable of appreciating the significance of Harrisburg's message without liking it as a song."Slower" is certainly the word. It's very, very, slow. That's what I really don't like about it - it's a message song, but so slow that its delivery comes off as condescending.Anyway. Of the entire Oils canon, there are only 2 songs I'll always skip/remove from my portable devices (Harrisburg and One Too Many Times). 3 if you count Pub With No Beer from Capricornia. Shakers and Movers and Outbreak of Love get on my nerves, but I don't hate them. They just rank way down the bottom of what is, after all, a very long tracklist. 5 songs I don't really like, out of what, >100 released? That's a pretty good run if you ask me.- ChrisOn 18 June 2014 06:54, bruce cameron <> wrote:
I will defend Harrisburg. It is a great composition, has a deep meaning and aligned with a lot of what the band stood for, came over well live (check out the Oils on the Water recording for example), and was allowed the band to experiment into some slower arrangements.
At the end of the day, what band could have ever written and released every song that everyone liked anyway. If that was the case, this group would be pretty boring (and may not exist). Anyway, there has been some new energy injected based on this exhibit and re-masters etc… When someone gets hold of that Tanelorn recording, let me know and we can discuss terms.
Let’s dance.
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: [powderworks] RE: remasters & preorders
Hey, we agreed about something! Maybe I should stop posting and let the moment stand ;o)
(Although I'm curious now to hear your opinion on my other least-favourite Oil's songs: Harrisburg and Outbreak of Love. For that matter, will anyone stand up to defend them?)
As for Redneck: I don't like the production on Concrete, and Seeing Is Believing is just filler. But the rest of the album is great. Blot may be the biggest change in opinion I've ever had - absolutely hated it the first time. Would rank it right at the top of that album now.
(Back on b-sides: I prefer the True Believers Blind version of Cemetery to that on RW, but it's clearly a relic of a very different album. Obviously you couldn't just swap one for the other, but it does make me wonder if there's anything else in the archives)
On 18 June 2014 00:38, Brian Jacobs <> wrote:
Oh yeah, Heaven and Earth needed to be on RW. It would have been a great album closer. And I say this as someone who loves every track on RW, and thinks it's the band's best post ESM album by a light year.
Sent from my iPad
On Jun 17, 2014, at 9:15 AM, "Chris [powderworks]" <> wrote:
Can we have Smash the Wobbleboard instead of I See You? Could drop it in right where One Too Many Times goes, I reckon. (I See You sounds more like an escaped demo than a cut finished track to me)
(Aside: Is Smash the Wobbleboard really the only time Jim does vocals on a released Oils song?)
Although if we're doing substitutions, top of my list would be Drop In The Ocean....let's take that, put it on Breathe, then close out RW with Heaven and Earth. How that song wound up a B-side I'll never understand.
- Chris
On 17 June 2014 23:41, [powderworks] <> wrote:
We've talked about this before, but if we took Underwater off, and added it to the Redneck Wonderland album, took One Too Many Times off and added I See You, I think it would have helped Breathe.
From: [powderworks]
Sent: Tuesday, 17 June 2014 15:38
To:; Michael Blackwood
Reply To:
Subject: Re: [powderworks] RE: remasters & preorders
Ha! To me the stand out tracks are Underwater, surfs up and Common Ground
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 17, 2014, at 8:01 AM, "Michael Blackwood [powderworks]" <> wrote:
I thought RW was mostly excellent, especially after Breathe disappointed me. That said, even as a "disappointing" album, Breathe has 3 tracks on it that I consider excellent: E-Beat, Barest Degree, and Bring on the Change. But the whole album is mixed in such a murky, lo-fi way that it grates on my nerves for muting so much of that distinctive 'Oily' sound.
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 17:11:14 +1000
Subject: Re: [powderworks] RE: remasters & preorders
Is liking RW a controversial opinion around here? Personally I've always felt that it's the best of the post-Diesel albums.
As for Breathe, well. It's got a few great songs, but the pacing is strange. I listen to it with a playlist that drops One Too Many Times and it livens up a bunch.
I do think there's potential there to really shine on a different mix, but...I dunno, it's kinda unique. Maybe leave it alone.
On 17 June 2014 16:53, david earle [powderworks] <> wrote:
count me in...but then I actually reckon RW is a ripper, so I'm used to being a pariah
From: "Kevin Yates [powderworks]" <>
To: "<>" <>; "<>" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 17 June 2014 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: [powderworks] RE: remasters & preorders
Leave Breathe alone.
I might be one of only a few, but I like it, just as it is. ; )
Sent from my iPhone
On 17 Jun 2014, at 3:06 pm, " [powderworks]" <> wrote:
I see the remastered CD series goes up to ESM... Would it be too much to ask for that Breathe actually be REMIXED rather than just remastered???! (Give the tapes to Nick Launay and let him work his magic!) Cheers, Trevor
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
From: "'jeremy peisley' [powderworks]" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 23:12:08 +1000
ReplyTo:,"jeremy peisley" <>
Subject: [powderworks] RE: remasters preorders
For those who will be looking to do the pre-order thing for the remasters may want to consider holding off until they are released. For those of you internationally i guess it also comes down to shipping, but for those in Aust i have been reliably told from someone who will know 100% that the remasters will be priced a $10 each thru JB Hifi & Sanity. At present the remasters are not listed on JB & they are on Sanity. Now even though there listed on sanity for anywhere from $9.99 for the EPs up to $15 -$22 for the albums i have been reassured that quote :
“Those prices will come into effect day of release”
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