Subject: Re: [powderworks] Rob Hirst interview |
From: Kevin Yates |
Date: 26/04/2014, 9:34 pm |
To: "<>" <> |
Hi Kate,
The good thing about the oils is they never play a big gig blind. They always have a few warm ups, especially when they have had a break. They warmed up for Sound Relief with 2 shows in Canberra. They warmed up for wave aid with a gig at Manly Leagues. And years ago they warmed up for a huge gig o/s in Boston with 2 shows close to where I live at Shellharbour Workers Club. I still spew about that one cause a lot of friends promised me they would come but never paid up. By the time I decided not to worry about them and go it alone the gigs were sold out.
So hopefully there will be some cool warm up gigs to see. I too hope It�s not bdo as those days are long and hot. The only good thing about those days is you know exactly what time the band comes on so you can turn up then. BDO is also a little pricy at a price of at least $150. I know you are probably kidding about the party pills but you could always sit in the bar with me and a dozen others and have a few quite ones while waiting for the good oils to come on.
From: [] On Behalf Of Kate Clarke
Sent: Tuesday, 15 April 2014 10:17 AM
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [powderworks] Rob Hirst interview
As I was driving down the coast it dawned On me - I hope it's not something like bdo as I am too old to take party pills and stand in the sun all day.... I will be setting up a tent, all workers welcome!
On 14/04/2014, at 9:25 PM, "Simon Kierse" <> wrote:
Hey a special event, that would be good. I would be a goat to miss out on that one. I would inflict capitol punishment on myself if I ever missed an opportunity to see the oils again.
Cheers to all,
From: [] On Behalf Of david earle
Sent: Monday, 7 April 2014 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: [powderworks] Rob Hirst interview
Thanks for posting that!
At an hour,it was pretty long, but definitely worth a listen- the interviewer admitted at the end he was nervous interviewing 1 of his idols, but fortunately, Rob is quite capable of stringing his words together and didn't get flustered (or cranky) with the interviewer's awkwardness
A couple of random notable bits were;
No oils live until next year, most likely in a special event/ festival context. Rob seemed pretty casual about this- he's got plenty going on anyway I guess.
Confirmation that PG is indeed writing a memoir
The importance of being true ,to your own musical vision being really really good at what u do (he named Ani Brun Lior at Womadelaide in this context- and they were great!)
Tales of the sadly departed Aus music live scene, were bands who were great live and committed to playing lots of gigs could make a living without mainstream airplay
And most importantly, the laugh out loud tale of the giant testicle
From: Kevin Yates <>;
To: <>;
Subject: Re: [powderworks] Re: Garrett and Jim
Sent: Sun, Apr 6, 2014 10:50:16 PM
Recent interview with Rob
So-so interview but reunion gets a mention early on.
Sent from my iPhone
On 6 Apr 2014, at 10:46 pm, "Spyro Bouras" <> wrote:
Oh yes�..and word is�.the next show will be�.???
Anyway I heard we will not have to wait too much longer for the Oils��.comes from a very close source. ( long may be up to months for a gig�tour �15 )
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