Midnight Oil

Subject: RE: [powderworks] Big CD giveaway
From: Michael Blackwood
Date: 5/12/2013, 12:19 am
To: Oils Powderworks

I'll take whatever you've got in terms of factory-pressed Oils or REM bootlegs!  I know you don't want to mail them, but I live in an isolated place too, and never see such things around here.  I'd gladly PayPal you the money to cover postage, or make a donation in your name to a charity of your choice...



To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au
From: jscott@iinet.net.au
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 21:12:26 +0800
Subject: [powderworks] Big CD giveaway


G�day all


I�ve been having a big cleanout and have a large pile of bootleg CD�s that I no longer need � I listen to my stuff via my iPod, and have it all losslessly backed up to hard drives rather than CDs these days.


So it�s all available to anyone who wants it.  There�s a heap of Pink Floyd, Midnight Oil, Led Zeppelin, U2, REM and various other bits and pieces (such as solo performances by members of the afore-mentioned).  Most is CD-R discs (which may or may not even play) but there�s also a fair chunk of factory-pressed bootlegs, particularly in the Floyd and Zeppelin area.


The only catch is I�m not mailing it anywhere, so unless you�re able to come and pick it up from my place in Perth, Western Australia, this probably isn�t of much use to you!


I realise that the chances of finding someone nearby who wants this stuff are pretty slim, what with living in the world�s most isolated capital city and all, but I�d rather at least give it a fly rather than chucking it all in the bin which is where it�s going to end up.


