Midnight Oil

Subject: PGa gives valedictory speech
From: "Tom" <tr_espen@yahoo.com.au>
Date: 27/06/2013, 6:56 pm
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au

Twitter - Nici Lindsay &#8207;@nicilind 20m ago - "I've watched two Garrett careers now. #valedictory He did really well in this one in the end."

ABC - Peter Garrett finishes up his valedictory speech, thanking his staff and colleagues for their support. by Gemma Breen 4:53 PM

Garrett says it's been a privilege to be given responsibility for education in Australia.

"We needed a national vision. We needed to set the standards of the curriculum as high as we could and reach agreement with the states through the vexed processes of COAG, to make it happen. Now we've done it, we have the best national curriculum in the world."
by Gemma Breen 4:45 PM

But Garrett says many reforms made by Labor are now under threat from the Queensland Government.

"There is a taint of recklessness and disregard for our environment that washes through that Queensland Government administration that frankly gives me great cause for concern.

"Once I leave this place, I will be doing my utmost to make sure that those natural heritage, natural environment gains that have been hard-won by the community and then by the Parliament, are kept in place."  by Gemma Breen 4:43 PM

4:39 PM
Twittermjrowland68 @mjrowland68
Peter Garrett tells of his disdain for journos wanting him to channel his old career and 'jump on his desk and do air guitar' #valedictory
Peter Garrett's valedictory speech is underway.

"I've endeavoured to do my best, both in terms of loyalty, and in terms of the disciplines that I think are very necessary in parliamentary politics."

No "US Forces" dance in the chamber.  :-(

Congrats on all those environmental and educational achievements.