Midnight Oil

Subject: RE: {SPAM?} Re: [powderworks] Capricornia and Kiss that Girl
From: "oilyshark" <oilyshark@optusnet.com>
Date: 21/06/2013, 6:50 am

Beds, Dead Heart & You May Not To Be Released were the songs offered up


From: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au [mailto:powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au] On Behalf Of Kevin Yates
Sent: Thursday, 20 June 2013 4:53 PM
To: <powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au>
Subject: Re: {SPAM?} Re: [powderworks] Capricornia and Kiss that Girl



There's a mention if the band playing you may not be released somewhere in the book Strict Rules.


It seems the song was floating around that far back.



Sent from my iPhone

On 20/06/2013, at 4:46 PM, "The Oilman" <TheOilman@new.rr.com> wrote:


If I recall this was discussed in some documentary or something I have on video. Dead Heart obviously was the primary song, and I'm not 100% sure about Beds but the 3rd song was a song that I do believe ended up being a Ghostwriters song and never made an Oils album. I have no idea if I can find where I heard this info, but maybe someone else with random Oils facts floating in their melons can add their 2cents.






----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:37 AM

Subject: Re: [powderworks] Capricornia and Kiss that Girl



I'm sure Beds was one of the 3 songs they offered to the Aboriginal people, not Warakurna.
Also I didn't know You may not be released was the 3rd one. I'd always heard they offered 3 but never heard the 3rd one mentioned.


From: jp1975 <jp1975@optusnet.com.au>

Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 08:02:27 +1000

Subject: Re: [powderworks] Capricornia and Kiss that Girl



You are correct with that, first pressing's of Blue Sky Mining had the bonus track " You May Not Be Released " . The other point of interest withthat track it was 1 of the 3 song"s offered up for the handing back of Uluru to its original owner's. The other 2 being The Dead Heart & Warakurna.





Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: Koala Sprint <koala.sprint@gmail.com>
Date: 20/06/2013 1:15 AM (GMT+10:00)
To: powderworks@yahoogroups.com.au
Subject: [powderworks] Capricornia and Kiss that Girl


Hi all,

I see someone is selling a Capricornia promo on ebay. It's a 12 track version with Kiss That Girl as track 10. I know it was eventually released as a bonus track on the German version of Capricornia, but from this it seems that it was a serious contender for inclusion on the album proper.
It's like Neil Finns first solo album. The promo version had a track called Spirit of the Stairs which was taken off the final release and remains unreleased. Also INXS's Listen Like Thieves album had 2 extra tracks on a test pressing that have never been leaked or released since. I'm dying to hear them.

Now I wonder how many other Oils albums had tracks like this. I think You May Not be released is similar.



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