Midnight Oil

Subject: NMOC: A Few Best Men
From: "ALEXEI" <alexeis@usa.net>
Date: 2/05/2013, 3:16 am

Hi everyone,

I watched "A Few Best Men" movie the other day--a comedy with four British
guys coming to Australia for the wedding of one of them.  There was a cover
band (a true one or impersonated) playing at the wedding.  Off the top of my
head, they played Sherbet's Howzat. They (male musicians and a girl) were
taking turns as at the mike as singers, and I had a feeling that I was missing
out on the meaning of these scenes--why rotating from one cover to another,
was there some comic implication etc.  I may have been reading into it more
than there was, in fact, but if anyone watched the movie and could confirm or
authoritatively dispel this feeling of mine, you'll much oblige me.

Take care,