Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Back in the Works ...

Kathryn E. Adams kate@dnki.net
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 22:13:26 -0500

Hi.  I'm Kate.  I live in the Boston area with my husband and two small 
children who constantly steal my Diesel and Dust CD for repeat play of Beds 
are Burning in their playroom.

I am a doctoral student in environmental epidemiology and hope one day to 
be a professional scientific muckraker/shitstirrer.  Actually, I sort of 
already am.  In any case, it seems I can't do a single google search on any 
topic of professional interest to me these days without popping up the 
Australia Conservation Foundation website ... and thus I am drawn back into 
Oily inspiration wherever I turn.  I saw them in Boston in November and 
marveled at PG's use of language ... he speaks just like the small 
international community of envionmental scientists and policy folks I tend 
to work with.  And of course no one can combine a feel for the land and 
landscape with the complexities of politics and history and economics and 
feel for the needs of people involved the way the Oils can.  They get the 
WHOLE picture, and paint it beautifully at that.  So few scientists, 
policymakers, historians, economists, or even artists can see outside of 
their boxes and cross those harsh but not truly real lines like that.

I used to post frequently to Powderworks many moons ago (early to mid 90's) 
before the band took a break and before I got personally swamped with 
graduate work and babies.  I  made lots of trades of tapes and albums and 
t-shirts over the site ... and made several enduring friends in the 
process.  One friend may fly east to help me raid several dates in a row, 
if the Oils ever settle on a sane schedule of travelling around these 
parts.  Given their current plans, I think there must be teleportation 

Anyway, I'm going to hang out so long as the bandwidth doesn't become 